2024年10月28日 星期一
Chemical constituents in the stems and fruits of Guettarda speciosa
2024年 第33卷 第5期 页码[117-120]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

采用超高效液相色谱-高分辨飞行时间质谱(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS)技术对海岸桐(Guettarda speciosa Linn.)茎和果实的化学成分进行分析。结果显示:海岸桐茎中有35个化合物,包括三萜类12个、环烯醚萜类7个、酚酸及其苷类12个、强心苷类2个、黄酮类1个、苦木素类1个。海岸桐果实中有40个化合物,包括三萜类10个、环烯醚萜类8个、酚酸及其苷类8个、黄酮类8个、甾体类3个、脂肪酸类2个、二萜类1个。海岸桐茎和果实中共有成分18个,包括三萜类7个、环烯醚萜类6个、酚酸类及其苷类4个、黄酮类1个。综上所述,海岸桐茎中富含鞣质类酚酸成分,生态学意义较强;果实含有环烯醚萜类等活性物质,开发利用价值较高。


The chemical constituents in the stems and fruits of Guettarda speciosa Linn. were analyzed by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS) technology. The results show that there are 35 compounds in the stems of G. speciosa, namely 12 triterpenoids, 7 iridoids, 12 phenolic acids and their glycosides, 2 cardiac glycosides, 1 flavonoid, and 1 quassinoid. There are 40 compounds in the fruits of G. speciosa, namely 10 triterpenoids, 8 iridoids, 8 phenolic acids and their glycosides, 8 flavonoids, 3 steroids, 2 fatty acids, and 1 diterpenoid. There are 18 common constituents in the stems and fruits of G. speciosa, namely 7 triterpenoids, 6 iridoids, 4 phenolic acids and their glycosides, and 1 flavonoid. In conclusion, the stems of G. speciosa are rich in tannin phenolic acids, which have relatively important ecological significance; the fruits contain active substances such as iridoids, which have relatively high development and utilization values.


关键词海岸桐; ; 果实; 化学成分; UPLC-Q-TOF-MS
Key wordsGuettarda speciosa Linn.; stem; fruit; chemical constitent; UPLC-Q-TOF-MS
作者羊青a,b,c, 王祝年a,b,c, 王清隆a,b,c, 汤欢a,b,c, 晏小霞a,b,c, 李英英a,b,c, 王茂媛a,b,c
所在单位中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所: a. 农业农村部热带农业野生植物基因资源鉴定评价中心, b. 农业农村部中药材生物学与栽培重点实验室, c. 海南省热带药用植物工程研究中心, 海南 海口 571101
基金项目海南省自然科学基金项目(320QN342; 321MS090); 农业农村部财政专项“南锋专项”Ⅲ期(NFZX2021); 农业农村部农垦局政府购买服务(拨改买)-南药种质资源收集保存、鉴定评价与利用(18230164)