2025年3月12日 星期三
Researches of the uptaken fluorine amount from drinking tea
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[54-58]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

饮茶摄氟量取决于三个要素: 饮茶方式茶氟富集量与氟浸出率 ,其中茶氟富集量是首要因茶水含氟量以一泡茶水最高 ,二泡茶水次之 ,三泡及其以后的茶水含氟量急剧下降茶叶中富集的氟 ,基本上是水溶性化合物饮茶过程中约有 42% 86% 的氟溶于茶汤被人体摄入饮茶摄氟量关系到饮茶与人体健康 ,摄氟量过高 ,会造成氟中毒


The uptaken fluorine amount from drinking tea is affected by three factors: styles of drinking tea , fluorine accumulation in tea and extraction rate of fluorine in tea ,among which fluorine accumulation in tea is the most important factor. Fluorine content in 1st extraction of tea is the highest, fluorine content in 2nd extraction is less, fluorine content in 3rd and the following extractions decrease sharply. Fluorine in tea can almost all dissolve in water. When drinking tea 42% 86% fluorine in tea is uptaken by body. The uptaken fluorine amount from drinking tea is correlated with peoples health, uptaken too much fluorine amount will cause fluorosis.

关键词氟浸出率; 摄氟量; 氟中毒
Key wordsfluorine extraction rate; the uptaken fluorine amount; fluorosis
作者高绪评, 王 萍
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014
基金项目江苏省科学技术委员会资助项目 ( S91058)