2024年10月23日 星期三
温州外来入侵植物风险评价体系研究—— 以黑荆为例
Study on risk evaluation system for alien invasive plants in Wenzhou: taking Acacia mearnsii for an example
2010年 第19卷 第3期 页码[79-84]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以现有生物入侵风险评价体系为基础,根据温州地区的自然环境和外来入侵植物调查结果,建立了区域性较强的“温州外来入侵植物风险评价体系”,并以外来植物黑荆(Acacia mearnsii De Wild.)为例对这一评价体系进行了验证。整个评价体系由境内外重视程度、地理分布、入侵途径、传播与繁殖方式、危害性和影响以及防除处理难度6个一级指标和15 个二级指标组成,并采用“层次分析法”(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)确定各指标的权重,按不同的权重赋予各指标不同的分值(评价总分为100 分),各指标的得分总和即为最终的评价得分(R 值)。使用该评价体系对黑荆进行风险评价和赋值,结果显示,在温州地区,黑荆的风险评估得分R 值为64 分,风险程度中等,要加以一定程度的监控管理。温州外来入侵植物风险评价体系具有区域可行性,可以为温州外来入侵植物的科学管理提供依据。


Based on existing biological invasion risk evaluation system, the risk evaluation system with stronger regionality for alien invasive plants in Wenzhou was established according to the investigation results about natural environment and alien invasive plants in Wenzhou, and it was verified by taking alien plant of Acacia mearnsii De Wild. for an example. The evaluation system was composed of six indexes of first grade including domestic and abroad attention degree, geographical distribution, invasive route, dissemination and reproduction way, harmfulness and effect, difficult degree of prevention and dealing treatment, and of fifteen indexes of second grade. And the weight of every index was defined by means of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and every index was endowed with different scores (total evaluation score 100) according to different weights, the total score of different indexes was the final evaluation score (R value). Using this evaluation system, the risk of A. mearnsii is evaluated and endowed, and the result shows that the risk evaluation score (R value) of A. mearnsii is 64. It means that the risk level of A. mearnsii in Wenzhou is middle, and a certain monitoring and management should be taken. The risk evaluation system for alien invasive plants in Wenzhou has regional feasibility and can provide a foundation for scientific management of alien invasive plants in Wenzhou.

关键词外来入侵植物; 风险评价体系; 黑荆; 温州
Key wordsalien invasive plant; risk evaluation system; Acacia mearnsii De Wild.; Wenzhou
作者冯幼义1, 董晓慧2, 胡仁勇1, 柯倩倩1, 丁炳扬1
所在单位1. 温州大学生命与环境科学学院, 浙江温州325035; 2. 温州市出入境检验检疫局, 浙江温州325027
基金项目温州市科技计划项目(S2004A015); 浙江省新苗计划项目(2007R40G2250013)