摘要 | 对云南碧塔海亚高山云冷杉林内 4 个样地冠层树木的生长压制和释放的历史, 用树木年轮分析方法进行了重建, 然后根据生长释放频率推测林冠干扰强度(每 10 年冠层树木的死亡百分率)。 4 个林分(1 个中龄林, 3 个成过熟林)生长释放的平均百分率为 48 %~ 92%。 中龄林内, 平均生长释放频率为 7.1%/ 10a, 成过熟林则为 7.4 %~ 9.5 %/10a, 在油麦吊云杉〔Picea brachytyla |
Abstract | Tree ring analysis was used to reconstruct the history of growth suppression and release of conifer trees in four stands within a subalpine spruce-fir mixed fo rest in Bitahai Natural Reserve, nor thr-west of Yunnan Province. And then , the canopy disturbance intensity (the percent of mortality of canopy trees per decade)were infered from the frequency of the growth release.For all stands (one was young growth,the others were old-growth), the average values of growth release frequency were 7 .1% per decade in y oung stand and 7.4% to 9 .5 %per decade in the old stands. The estimated disturbance intensities were 4 .8 % per decade in the stand do minated by Picea brachytyla var.complanata (M ast .)Cheng ex Rehd.and 5.9 % per decade in Larix potaninii var. macrocarpa Law-Picea brachytyla var. complanata (M ast.)Cheng ex Rehd.stand . |
关键词 | 林冠干扰; 生长释放; 生长压制; 林冠干扰强度估计; |
Key words | canopy disturbance; g rowth release; grow th suppressio n; estimation of canopy disturbance intensity |
作者 | 夏 冰 ,贺善安 ,兰 涛 ,邓 飞, 姚 淦 |
所在单位 | 江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1441 |
下载次数 | 1069 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(39470564) |