摘要 | 采用水蒸气蒸馏法和气相色谱技术对取自浙江富阳、贵州毕节和织金、湖南永州、福建永安和建瓯、云南景东、四川长宁、江西安远和分宜10个居群的山苍子〔Litsea cubeba (Lour.)Pers.〕果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量进行测定,并分析了果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量与地理-气候因子的相关性;在此基础上对供试居群进行了聚类分析。测定结果表明:各居群的果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量差异显著,精油含量均值为3.60%,变异系数(CV)为1.54%~10.46%;柠檬醛含量均值为3.52%,CV为24.78%~40.54%;云南景东居群精油含量最高(4.56%)、江西分宜居群最低(3.14%);福建永安居群柠檬醛含量最高(7.01%)、贵州毕节居群最低(1.85%),且柠檬醛含量的表型分化系数为57.87%,说明居群间柠檬醛含量的变异幅度大于精油含量,且居群间柠檬醛含量的变异程度大于居群内。相关性分析结果显示:山苍子果实精油含量与经度和7月均温呈极显著负相关,与年降雨量呈显著负相关,与海拔呈极显著正相关;柠檬醛含量与经度和年降雨量分别呈显著和极显著正相关,说明精油含量随经度增大而降低,且受环境水分和温度变化的影响较大;而柠檬醛含量随经度增大而提高,并明显受生境中水分条件的调节。聚类分析结果表明:在欧氏距离15处,供试的10个山苍子居群主要分成3类,根据地理位置大体可划分为西南部和东南部2个种质类型,其中福建永安居群较为特殊。研究结果表明:不同居群山苍子果实精油含量和柠檬醛含量差异与遗传特性、地理分布和生境气候条件均有一定的相关性。 |
Abstract | Contents of essential oil and citral in fruits of Litsea cubeba ( Lour.) Pers. from ten populations ( Fuyang of Zhejiang, Bijie and Zhijin of Guizhou, Yongzhou of Hu’nan, Yong’an and Jian’ou of Fujian, Jingdong of Yunnan, Changning of Sichuan, Anyuan and Fenyi of Jiangxi) were determined by steam distillation and gas chromatography technique, and their correlations with geographical-climatic factors were also analyzed. On the basis, the cluster analysis among ten populations was made. The determination result shows that there is significant difference in contents of essential oil and citral among different populations, in which, average content of essential oil is 3. 60% with coefficient of variation ( CV) of 1.54% -10. 46% and that of citral is 3.52% with CV of 24.78% -40.54% . And essential oil content from Jingdong of Yunnan population is the highest ( 4.56% ) while that from Fenyi of Jiangxi population is the lowest ( 3.14% ) , citral content from Yong’an of Fujian population is the highest ( 7. 01% ) while that from Bijie of Guizhou population is the lowest ( 1. 85% ) , moreover, phenotypic differentiation coefficient of citral content is 57. 87% . It is indicated that the variation range of citral content among populations is greater than that of essential oil content, and the variation degree of citral content among populations is higher than that within populations. The correlation analysis result shows that essential oil content in L. cubeba fruits appears extremely significantly negative correlation with longitude and mean temperature of July, significantly negative correlation with annual precipitation and extremely significantly positive correlation with altitude. While citral content appears significantly and extremely significantly positive correlation with longitude and annual precipitation, respectively. It means that essential oil content decreases with increasing of longitude and primarily affected by changes of water content and temperature in environment, while citral content increases with increasing of longitude and mainly regulated by water content in habitat. The cluster analysis result shows that ten populations of L.cubeba are mainly divided into three groups at Euclidean distance 15. According to geographical position,ten populations are mainly classified into two germplasm types of southwest and southeast populations, in which, Yong’an of Fujian population is special. It is suggested that variances of contents of essential oil and citral in fruits of L. cubeba from different populations are all correlated with the genetic characters,geographical distribution and climatic condition in habitat. |
关键词 | 山苍子果实; 精油含量; 柠檬醛含量; 地理-气候因子; 相关性分析; 聚类分析 |
Key words | Litsea cubeba ( Lour.) Pers. fruit; essential oil content; citral content; geographical-climatic factor; correlation analysis; cluster analysis |
作者 | 田胜平1, 汪阳东1, 陈益存1, 楼 君2, 余文仙2 |
所在单位 | 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 浙江 富阳 311400; 2. 富阳市林业局, 浙江 富阳 311400 |
点击量 | 1283 |
下载次数 | 1016 |
基金项目 | 国家林业局重点科研项目( 项目编号: 2011-01) |