2025年3月14日 星期五
Ca2+ and H+ flow and Ca2+ distribution characteristics in roots of Zoysia japonica with different salt tolerances under NaCl stress
2022年 第31卷 第3期 页码[75-84]    下载全文[12.1MB]  

以耐盐结缕草(Zoysia japonica Steud.)Z011和Z015和敏盐结缕草Z004和Z103为试验材料,利用非损伤微测技术和X射线能谱仪对结缕草在NaCl胁迫(200 mmol·L-1 NaCl)下不同根区Ca2+、H+流的变化以及Ca2+在根系的分布情况进行了分析。结果表明:在对照条件下,4个结缕草材料根尖分生区、伸长区和成熟区Ca2+以外排为主,其中分生区的平均Ca2+流速明显高于伸长区和成熟区,且耐盐结缕草分生区的平均Ca2+流速明显高于敏盐结缕草;NaCl胁迫后,总体上看,耐盐结缕草3个根区的Ca2+由外排变为内流,而敏盐结缕草仅根尖成熟区的Ca2+由外排变为内流,耐盐结缕草较敏盐结缕草有更多的Ca2+内流参与离子调控。耐盐结缕草Z011与其他3个材料的H+流有明显区别,在对照条件下,Z011 3个根区的H+均为内流,而其他3个材料3个根区的H+为微弱内流或外排,且其平均H+流速明显低于Z011; NaCl胁迫后,Z011 3个根区H+内流明显减弱,而其他3个材料3个根区H+的内流或外排也减弱,但差异不明显。扫描结果显示:总体上看,NaCl胁迫后,4个结缕草材料根系表皮、皮层和中柱中Ca2+相对含量显著降低,且随着处理时间的延长表现为先降低再升高的趋势;同一材料根系表皮、皮层和中柱间的Ca2+相对含量存在差异,但区隔作用不明显。综合分析结果表明:耐盐结缕草有更强的Ca2+调控能力,分生区为Ca2+参与NaCl胁迫下离子平衡的关键调控区域,结缕草根系对Ca2+没有区隔作用或区隔不明显。另外,耐盐结缕草Z011可能具有不同于其他3个材料的H+调控机制。


 Taking salt tolerant Zoysia japonica Steud. Z011 and Z015 and salt sensitive Z. japonica Z004 and Z103 as research materials, changes of Ca2+ and H+ flow in different root zones and distribution of Ca2+ in roots of Z. japonica under NaCl stress (200 mmol·L-1 NaCl) were analyzed by using noninvasive microtest technique and X-ray energy spectrometer. The results show that under the condition of the control, Ca2+ in meristem zone, elongation zone and maturation zone of root tips of four Z. japonica materials are mainly efflux, in which the average of Ca2+ flux in meristem zone is obviously higher than those in elongation zone and maturation zone, and the average of Ca2+ flux in meristem zone of salt tolerant Z. japonica is obviously higher than that of salt sensitive Z. japonica; after NaCl stress, in general, Ca2+ in three root zones of salt tolerant Z. japonica turn from efflux into influx, while only Ca2+ in maturation zone of root tips of salt sensitive Z. japonica turn from efflux into influx, and more Ca2+ influx is involved in ion regulation in salt tolerant Z. japonica than in salt sensitive Z. japonica. H+ flow of salt tolerant Z. japonica Z011 is remarkably different from those of the other three materials, and under the condition of the control, H+ in three root zones of Z011 are all influx, while H+ in three root zones of the other three materials are weak influx or efflux, and their averages of H+ flux are evidently lower than that of Z011; after NaCl stress, H+ influx in three root zones of Z011 evidently decrease, while H+ influx or efflux in three root zones of the other three materials also decrease, but the differences are not significant. The scan results show that in general, after NaCl stress, the relative contents of Ca2+ in epidermis, cortex and stele of roots of four Z. japonica materials significantly decrease, and show a tendency to first decrease and then increase with the elongation of treatment time; there are differences in relative contents of Ca2+ among epidermis, cortex and stele of roots of the same material, but the segmentation effect is not evident. The comprehensive analysis result shows that salt tolerant Z. japonica have a stronger Ca2+ regulatory ability, meristem zone is the key regulatory zone for Ca2+ to participate in ion balance under NaCl stress, and roots of Z. japonica have no segmentation effect on Ca2+ or the segmentation is not evident. In addition, salt tolerant Z. japonica Z011 may have a different H+ regulatory mechanism from the other three materials.

关键词结缕草; 耐盐性; Ca2+; H+; 离子流; 离子分布
Key wordsZoysia japonica Steud.; salt tolerance; Ca2+; H+; ion flow; ion distribution
作者叶刚1, 杨静2, 李晓慧1, 郝东利1, 沈泽宇1, 郑荣佳1, 陈静波1, 郭海林1
所在单位1. 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014; 2. 南京林业大学, 江苏 南京 210037
基金项目国家自然科学基金面上项目(31572155); 中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目(苏[2021]TG02)