2025年1月16日 星期四
A preliminary study of the macrolichens from Kanas Nature Reserve of Xinjiang, China
1995年 第4卷 第2期 页码[39-42]    下载全文[0.5MB]  



61 species, 2 subspecies, 6 forms of 28 genera and 1 4 families and 1 Lichens Imperfecti of the macrolichens from Kanas Nature Reserve are reported in this paper, of which, 5 species are new report to China and 23 species are newly distributed from Xinjiang. All the species are divided into 1 1 geographical elements, most of which are circumpolar arctic- alpine species 27. 87%, circumpolar low arctic and boreal species 47. 98% and circumpolar boreal species 11. 48 %. The enumeration and distribution of macrolichens of that district has a close connection with that of north America, Japan and Himalaya.

关键词哈纳斯自然保护区; 大型地衣; 地理分布
Key wordsKanas Nature Reserve; macrolichens; geographical distribution
作者阿布都拉· 阿巴斯 ,吴继农
所在单位新疆大学生物系 , 乌鲁木齐 8 3 00 46
南京师范大学生 物系 , 南京 2 1 0 0 9 7