2025年3月15日 星期六
Flower phenotypic diversity analysis and comprehensive evaluation of 190 cultivars (lines) of Chimonanthus praecox from Yanling County of Henan Province
2024年 第33卷 第4期 页码[50-60]    下载全文[9.5MB]  

通过连续调查分析,整理出河南省鄢陵县具有代表性的190个蜡梅〔Chimonanthus praecox (Linn.) Link〕品种(品系,下同),对其16个花表型性状(包括10个质量性状和6个数量性状)进行变异水平、多样性及相关性分析,同时对190个品种进行聚类分析和综合评价,以期为鄢陵县蜡梅分类、资源库建立以及新优品种研发、鉴定和推广应用提供科学依据。结果表明:鄢陵县蜡梅花型以喇叭型和碗型为主,中被片主要为黄色、椭圆形、先端钝且直伸或外曲、边缘平展,内被片斑晕主要为晕心,爪和花蕾的颜色主要为黄色;质量性状的变异系数(CV)为44.80%~174.00%,其中,花蕾颜色的CV值最大,中被片先端形状的CV值最小;质量性状的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(H′)为0.86~1.65,其中,花型的H′值最大,中被片先端形状的H′值最小。6个数量性状的CV值为10.99%~30.67%,其中,花径的CV值最大,花被片数的CV值最小;6个数量性状的H′值为1.37~1.98,其中,花被片数的H′值最大,雄蕊数的H′值最小。总体上看,质量性状的CV值明显大于数量性状,H′值小于数量性状。相关性分析结果显示:6个数量性状间存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)相关关系,少部分质量性状间存在显著或极显著相关关系,质量性状与数量性状间也存在一定的相关关系。聚类分析结果表明:190个蜡梅品种聚为3组,分别包含85、40和65个蜡梅品种;各组均可进一步分为2个亚组。通过层次分析法(AHP)构建蜡梅综合评价体系,筛选出花径、中被片颜色、着花量和花香作为蜡梅花表型性状评价的重要指标。‘鄢国晴雪’(‘Yanguo Qingxue’)、‘紫气东来’(‘Ziqi Donglai’)、‘白雪公主’(‘Baixue Gongzhu’)、‘卷帘新韵’(‘Juanlian Xinyun’)、‘大花冬绿’(‘Dahua Donglü’)等60个品种综合得分排名靠前、观赏价值较高。综上所述,鄢陵县190个蜡梅品种的变异程度高,具有较高的表型多样性;‘鄢国晴雪’等品种具有很高的推广应用价值。



Through continuous survey and analysis, 190 representative cultivars (lines, the same below) of Chimonanthus praecox (Linn.) Link from Yanling County of Henan Province were sorted out, and the variation level, diversity and correlation analyses of 16 flower phenotypic traits (containing 10 qualitative traits and 6 quantitative traits) were conducted, meanwhile, cluster analysis and comprehensive evaluation were conducted for 190 cultivars, and thus providing a scientific basis for classification, establishment of resource bank, as well as research and development, identification, and popularization and application of new and excellent cultivars of C. praecox in Yanling County. The results show that the flower types of C. praecox from Yanling County are mainly trumpet type and bowl type, the middle tepals are mainly yellow, oval, blunt at the apex and straight or outcurve, with flat edge, the inner tepal spottings are mainly intermedius, and the colors of the claws and buds are mainly yellow; the coefficient of variation (CV) of qualitative traits are 44.80%-174.00%, in which, those of bud color and middle tepal apex shape are the largest and the smallest, respectively; the ShannonWeaver diversity index (H′) of qualitative traits are 0.86-1.65, in which, those of flower type and middle tepal apex shape are the largest and the smallest, respectively. The CV values of 6 quantitative traits are 10.99%-30.67%, in which, those of flower diameter and tepal number are the largest and the smallest respectively; the H′ values of 6 quantitative traits are 1.37-1.98, in which, those of tepal number and stamen number are the largest and the smallest, respectively. In general, the CV values of qualitative traits are obviously greater than those of quantitative traits, while the H′ values are lower than those of quantitative traits. The correlation analysis result shows that there are significant (P<0.05) or extremely significant (P<0.01) correlations between 6 quantitative traits, there are also significant or extremely significant correlations between a few qualitative traits, and there are certain correlations between qualitative traits and quantitative traits. The cluster analysis result shows that 190 cultivars of C. praecox are clustered into 3 groups, containing 85, 40, and 65 cultivars, respectively; each group can be further divided into 2 subgroups. A comprehensive evaluation system for C. praecox is constructed by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and flower diameter, middle tepal color, flowering amount, and flower scent are identified as important indexes for the evaluation of flower phenotypic traits of C. praecox. The comprehensive scores of 60 cultivars such as ‘Yanguo Qingxue’, ‘Ziqi Donglai’, ‘Baixue Gongzhu’, ‘Juanlian Xinyun’, and ‘Dahua Donglü’ are ranking among the top, and they have relatively high ornamental values. In conclusion, the variation degree of 190 cultivars of C. praecox from Yanling County is high, and they have relatively high phenotypic diversity; cultivars such as ‘Yanguo Qingxue’ have high promotional value.


关键词蜡梅; 花表型多样性; 聚类分析; 相关性分析; 综合评价
Key wordsChimonanthus praecox (Linn.) Link; flower phenotypic diversity; cluster analysis; correlation analysis; comprehensive evaluation
作者赵彦贝1, 王秀军1, 王静1, 张纪堂2, 周丹1, 李庆卫1
所在单位1. 北京林业大学园林学院, 北京 100083; 2. 鄢陵县林业局, 河南 许昌 461200
基金项目国家林业和草原局课题蜡梅(修订)(2020-LY-008); 北京园林绿化增彩延绿科技创新工程(2019-KJC-02-10)