2025年3月14日 星期五
Analysis on diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in rhizosphere soil of Euscaphis japonica naturally distributed in Fujian Province
2018年 第27卷 第3期 页码[79-86]    下载全文[1MB]  

采用湿筛倾注-蔗糖离心法和显微观察法对自然分布于福建省6个样地的野鸦椿〔Euscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz〕根围土壤中丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)进行分离和鉴定,并基于重要值、孢子密度、种丰度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Sørensen相似性系数以及Q型聚类分析对各样地AMF的多样性进行了分析和比较。结果显示:福建省的邵武市邵武将石自然保护区(SW)、建瓯市东游镇(JOD)、建瓯市建瓯万木林自然保护区(JOW)、尤溪县西城镇(YX)、清流县温郊乡(QL)和武平县万安乡(WP) 6个样地的AMF分别有6属10种、6属15种、7属16种、9属14种、8属17种和7属15种,6个样地共鉴定出AMF 9属28种;JOD、YX、QL和WP样地的AMF优势属均为球囊霉属(Glomus Tul. et C. Tul.),其中,JOD、YX和QL样地的AMF优势种为大果球囊霉(Glomus macrocarpum Tul. et C. Tul.),WP样地的AMF优势种为地管孢囊霉(Funneliformis geosporum C. Walker et Schuessler);SW样地的AMF优势属为内养囊霉属(Entrophospora R. N. Ames et R. W. Schneid.),AMF优势种为稀有内养囊霉(Entrophospora infrequens R. N. Ames et R. W. Schneid.);JOW样地的AMF主要属(常见属)为管孢囊霉属(Funneliformis C. Walker et Schuessler),AMF主要种(常见种)为地表多孢囊霉〔Diversispora versiforme (Karsten) S. M. Berch et J. A. Fortin〕。YX样地的AMF平均孢子密度最大,在50 g风干土中平均有118.9个孢子;JOD样地的AMF平均种丰度最大(7.2)。6个样地AMF的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为1.27~1.87,以JOW样地最大、QL样地最小。各样地间AMF的Sørensen相似性系数为0.48~0.76,其中,WP样地与YX样地间AMF的Sørensen相似性系数最大(0.76),表明这2个样地的共有AMF种类占76%;且WP样地与其余样地间AMF的Sørensen相似性系数均较大(大于或等于0.6),其AMF的属数、种数、种丰度、孢子密度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数也较高。通过聚类分析,供试的6个样地被划分为3组,其中,JOD、WP和JOW样地归为1组;YX样地单独成组;SW和QL样地归为1组。综合分析结果表明:福建省自然分布的野鸦椿根围土壤中AMF的种类组成和多样性差异较大,而福建南部样地(武平县万安乡)的AMF种类具有较高的代表性。



The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in rhizosphere soil of Euscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz naturally distributed in six plots of Fujian Province were isolated and identified by wet sievingsucrose centrifugation method and microscopic observation method, and the diversity of AMF in each plot was analyzed and compared based on important value, spore density, species abundance, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Sørensen similarity coefficient and Q cluster analysis. The results show that there are AMF of 10 species in 6 genera, 15 species in 6 genera, 16 species in 7 genera, 14 species in 9 genera, 17 species in 8 genera and 15 species in 7 genera in six plots of Shaowu Jiangshi Nature Reserve in Shaowu City (SW), Dongyou Town in Jian’ou City (JOD), Jian’ou Wanmulin Nature Reserve in Jian’ou City (JOW), Xicheng Town in Youxi County (YX), Wenjiao Town in Qingliu County (QL) and Wan’an Town in Wuping County (WP) of Fujian Province, respectively, and total AMF of 28 species in 9 genera are identified in six plots. The dominant genus of AMF in JOD, YX, QL and WP plots is Glomus Tul. et C. Tul., in which, the dominant species of AMF in JOD, YX and QL plots is Glomus macrocarpum Tul. et C. Tul., and the dominant species of AMF in WP plot is Funneliformis geosporum C. Walker et Schuessler. The dominant genus of AMF in SW plot is Entrophospora R. N. Ames et R. W. Schneid., and the dominant species of AMF is Entrophospora infrequens R. N. Ames et R. W. Schneid. The major genus (common genus) of AMF in JOW plot is Funneliformis C. Walker et Schuessler, and the major species (common species) of AMF is Diversispora versiforme (Karsten) S. M. Berch et J. A. Fortin. The average spore density of AMF in YX plot is the largest, there are 118.9 spores in 50 g air-dried soil; and the average species abundance of AMF in JOD plot is the largest (7.2). The ShannonWiener diversity index of AMF in six plots is 1.27-1.87, and the largest and the smallest is in JOW plot and QL plot, respectively. The Sørensen similarity coefficient of AMF among plots is 0.48-0.76, in which, Sørensen similarity coefficient of AMF between WP plot and YX plot is the largest (0.76), indicating that common AMF species in two plots account for 76%. And Sørensen similarity coefficients of AMF between WP plot and other plots are all larger (above or equal to 0.6), and its genus number, species number, species abundance, spore density and Shannon-Wiener diversity index are also higher. Based on the cluster analysis, the six plots tested are divided into three groups, in which, JOD, WP and JOW plots are classified in one group; YX plot is grouped independently; SW and QL plots are classified in one group. The result of comprehensive analysis shows that differences in species composition and diversity of AMF in rhizosphere soil of E. japonica naturally distributed in Fujian Province are larger, and AMF species in plot of South Fujian (Wan’an Town in Wuping County) is highly representative.

关键词野鸦椿; 丛枝菌根真菌(AMF); 重要值; 多样性分析; 聚类分析; 相似性系数
Key wordsEuscaphis japonica (Thunb.) Kanitz; arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF); important value; diversity analysis; cluster analysis; similarity coefficient
作者董怡然1, 张秀英1, 陈熙1,2, 张艳1,2, 郭惠珠1, 蔡邦平1
所在单位1. 厦门市园林植物园, 福建 厦门 361003; 2. 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建 福州 350002
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670047); 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20144073; 3502Z20112004)