摘要 | 苦丁茶是我国南方各民族长期饮用的一类植物代用茶。 在贵州, 苦丁茶原植物有 6 科 6 属9 种, 主流品种为木樨科女贞属植物粗壮女贞〔Ligustrum robustum (Roxb .)Bl.〕。 分析了贵州 5种苦丁茶植物叶的主要化学成分并和绿茶进行了对比, 分析结果表明, 苦丁茶类植物是一种营养成分含量丰富, 不含咖啡因的营养保健的功能性饮料新资源。 |
Abstract | Kuding Tea as a famous traditional drinking tea was used in southern China for a long time.In Guizhou , there are 9 species w hich belo ng to 6 families and 6 genera are used as its original materials.Among them , Ligustrum robustum (Roxb .)Bl .have a wide distribution and rich in plant resources .Comparing with the green tea , the chemical compositions and contents of leaves in five original species of Kuding Tea had been analysed , no detectable amount of caffeine w as found , total flavonoids were hig hter than g reen tea, other nutrient constituents were also plentiful .Kuding Tea is a new resources of functional drinking with good effect on health and curation . |
关键词 | 苦丁茶; 种质资源; 营养成分 |
Key words | Kuding Tea; germplasm resources; nutrient constituents |
作者 | 郁建平 |
所在单位 | 贵州农学院生化营养研究所, 贵阳 550025 |
点击量 | 1405 |
下载次数 | 832 |
基金项目 | 贵州省科学技术委员会资助课题 |