2025年3月13日 星期四
水泥粉尘污染对水稻 、油菜和土壤环境的影响
The effects of cement flying dust pollution on rice, rape and soil environment
1997年 第6卷 第3期 页码[42-47]    下载全文[1.2MB]  

通过在水泥厂周围布设不同监测样点样田, 了解水泥粉尘沉降对水稻油菜和土壤环境的影响 结果表明, 水泥厂周围的大气环境受到不同程度的粉尘污染水泥粉尘使一些农田水稻和油菜产量有所下降, 但对质量未产生不良影响, 水泥粉尘会使土壤中钙的含量明显增加


Based on arranging different sampling spots and farmlands around a cement plant, the effects of flying dust pollution on crops and soil were investigated .The results showed that the atmospheric environment was polluted at certain degree by the cement plant .Cement flying dust decreased the yield of rice and rape at some farmlands, but did not produce harmful effect on its quality. There was an obvious increase in calcium content in polluted soil .

关键词水泥粉尘; 水稻; 油菜; 土壤
Key wordscement flying dust; rice; rape; soil
作者刘俊岭, 杜 梅 ,张克云 ,陈树元, 徐和宝 ,谢明云
所在单位芜湖市环境监理所, 芜湖 241000
江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014