2024年10月23日 星期三
10 个红掌品种的抗寒性与耐热性评价
Evaluation on cold and heat resistances of ten cultivars of Anthurium andraeanum
2015年 第24卷 第2期 页码[40-47]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用低温半致死温度(LT50 )评价低温条件下10 个红掌(Anthurium andraeanum Lind.)品种的抗寒性;并在测定高温(39 ℃)处理48 h 后各品种叶片生理指标的基础上,对这些指标的耐热系数和相关系数进行分析,采用主成分分析和隶属函数法综合评价了10 个红掌品种的耐热性。结果表明:经过-1 ℃、-3 ℃、-5 ℃、-7 ℃和-9 ℃的低温处理,10 个品种的叶片相对电导率(REC)均逐渐增大,其中,品种‘阿拉巴马’ (‘Alabama’) 的REC 值呈“缓慢升高—迅速升高”的趋势,其他品种的REC 值均呈“缓慢升高—迅速升高—平稳升高”的趋势;依据Logistic 方程获得的各品种的LT50 值,10 个红掌品种的抗寒性由强至弱依次排序为‘阿拉巴马’,‘皇冠’(‘Royal champion’),‘马都拉’(‘Madural’),‘甜冠军’(‘Sweet champion’),‘特伦萨’(‘Turenza’), ‘阿瓦托’(‘Avento’)、‘阿瑞博’(‘Arebo’)和‘粉冠军’(‘Pink champion’),‘白冠军’(‘White champion’),‘骄阳’(‘Sierra’)。高温处理48 h 对各品种叶片的生理指标均有一定影响,其中,REC 值和CAT 活性明显高于对照(室温)、MDA 含量高于或等于对照,它们的耐热系数均大于100%;相对含水量、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素及脯氨酸含量均低于对照,它们的耐热系数均小于100%;多数品种叶片的SOD 和POD 活性及可溶性蛋白质含量(SPC)低于对照,耐热系数也小于100%;仅品种‘阿拉巴马’叶片的SOD 和POD 活性及SPC 值略高于对照,耐热系数大于100%;各指标的耐热系数间均存在一定的相关性。主成分分析结果显示:前3 个主成分的累计贡献率达到91. 50%,其中,第1 主成分定义为酶活性和渗透调节物质含量,第2 主成分定义为光合色素含量,第3 主成分定义为膜透性。根据耐热性综合评价值,10 个红掌品种耐热性由强至弱依次排序为‘阿拉巴马’、‘皇冠’、‘阿瓦托’、‘阿瑞博’、‘马都拉’、‘骄阳’、‘特伦萨’、‘粉冠军’、‘甜冠军’、‘白冠军’。研究结果表明:品种‘阿拉巴马’的抗寒性和耐热性均较强,可以在不同气候区推广种植。


Cold resistance of ten cultivars of Anthurium andraeanum Lind. under low temperature condition was evaluated by semi-lethal low temperature ( LT50 ). And on the basis of determining physiological indexes of leaf of each cultivar after high temperature (39 ℃) treatment for 48 h, heat resistance coefficient and correlation coefficient of these indexes were analyzed, and heat resistance of ten cultivars of A. andraeanum was comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis and subordinate function method. The results show that after low temperature treatment of -1 ℃, -3 ℃,-5 ℃, -7 ℃and -9 ℃, relative electric conductivity (REC) of leaf of ten cultivars increases gradually, in which, REC value of cultivar ‘ Alabama’ appears the trend of “ increasing slowly -increasing quickly” and that of other cultivars appears the trend of “increasing slowly-increasing quickly-increasing stably”. According to LT50 of each cultivar obtained from Logistic equation, the order of cold resistance of ten cultivars from strong to weak is ‘Alabama’; ‘Royal champion’; ‘Madural’; ‘Sweet champion’; ‘Turenza’; ‘Avento’, ‘Arebo’ and ‘Pink champion’; ‘White champion’; ‘Sierra’. High temperature treatment for 48 h has a certain effect on physiological indexes of leaf of each cultivar. In which, REC value and CAT activity are obviously higher than those of the control (room temperature), MDA content is higher or equal to that of the control, and their heat resistance coefficients all are above 100%; relative water content and contents of chlorophyll, carotenoid and proline are lower than those of the control, and their heat resistance coefficients all are below 100%; activities of SOD and POD and soluble protein content (SPC) in leaf of most cultivars are lower than those of the control, and their heat resistance coefficients all are below 100%, while activities of SOD and POD and SPC value in leaf of only cultivar ‘Alabama’ are slightly higher than those of the control, and their heat resistance coefficients all are above 100%. And there is a certain correlation among heat resistance coefficients of each index. The result of principal component analysis shows that accumulative contribution rate of the first three principal components reaches 91. 50%, in which the first principal component is defined as enzyme activity and osmoregulation substance content, the second does as photosynthetic pigment content, and the third does as membrane permeability. According to comprehensive evaluation value of heat resistance, the order of heat resistance of ten cultivars of A. andraeanum from strong to weak is ‘Alabama’, ‘Royal champion’, ‘Avento’, ‘Arebo’, ‘Madural’, ‘Sierra’, ‘Turenza’, ‘Pink champion’, ‘Sweet champion’, ‘White champion’. It is suggested that both cold resistance and heat resistance of cultivar ‘Alabama’are stronger, and it can be planted widely in different climatic regions.

关键词红掌; 低温半致死温度(LT50 ); 抗寒性; 生理指标; 耐热性; 综合评价
Key wordsAnthurium andraeanum Lind.; semi-lethal low temperature ( LT50 ); cold resistance; physiological index; heat resistance; comprehensive evaluation
作者王宏辉1,3, 顾俊杰2, 房伟民1, 陈发棣1, 张栋梁2
所在单位1. 南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏南京210095; 2. 上海鲜花港企业发展有限公司, 上海201303;3. 科尔沁区农业技术推广中心, 内蒙古通辽028000
基金项目“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(L0201300245); 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目[沪农科攻字(2011)第1-9 号]