2024年10月23日 星期三
Population structure and dynamics of dominant species in Castanopsis fargesii secondary forest in Datian County, Fujian Province
2004年 第13卷 第3期 页码[44-49]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

在福建大田栲树(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)次生林内,应用相邻格子法设置3200m2样地,进行优势种群结构和空间格局的研究。结果表明,栲树种群、罗浮栲(C. fabric Hance)种群、樟树〔Cinnamomum camphora (Linn.) Presl〕种群结构呈金字塔型,栲树种群和罗浮栲种群从Ⅰ、Ⅱ级幼苗到Ⅲ级幼苗发育过程中出现死亡高峰;3个优势种群从Ⅲ级幼苗向第4立木级的生长过程中,死亡率也很高。栲树、罗浮栲和樟树种群在不同发育阶段空间分布格局差别较大,栲树种群在幼树阶段为集群分布,中树及大树阶段为随机分布;罗浮栲种群在幼树阶段呈集群分布、中树阶段呈均匀分布、大树阶段呈随机分布;樟树种群在幼树及大树阶段呈均匀分布,中树阶段为随机分布。不同区组规模对种群空间分布格局产生影响。


A 3 200 m2 sampling plot was established and investigated in the secondary forest of Castanopsis fargesii Franch. in Datian County of Fujian Province. Population structure and spatial pattern of three dominant species in this forest were analyzed according to the field data obtained with contiguous grid quadrat method. The results indicated that the population structures of C. fargesii, C. fabri Hance and Cinnamomum camphora(Linn.)Presl showed a pyramid shape of population structure. Both C. fargesii and C. fabri populations had a high mortality for seedlings of classesⅠ andⅡ in the process of development to Ⅲ class seedling. The populations of C. fargesi, C. fabri and Cinnamomum camphora had a high death rate from the Ⅲ class seedling to the forth tree grade. The distribution pattern of sapling of C. fargesii was clumped while the median, large tree were the random distribntion. C. fabri varied with clumped patterns for the grade of sapling and random pattern for large trees and uniform. pattern for the grade of median trees. As for Cinnamomum camphora, its sapling and large trees showed a uniform. distribution pattern, while the median trees were a spatially random pattern. Different block size had an impact on the outcome of spatial distribution pattern.

关键词种群结构; 空间格局; 栲树次生林; 福建大田;
Key wordspopulation structure; spatial pattern; Castanopsis fargesii Franch. secondary forest; Datian County of Fujian Province
基金项目福建省科学技术厅重大项目资助(2001F007; 2001Z025);