摘要 | 以 3 种典型的美洲黑杨苗木(I-69 、N L-80105 和 N L-80351)在不同的涝渍胁迫条件下, 苗木叶面积生长明显减慢;叶片气孔开度显著减小;叶片水势和丙二醛(M DA)含量有所增加;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性无明显变化;叶片中的全 N 、全 P 和全 K 含量发生变化。 综合分析认为, I-69 杨在强涝渍胁迫下抗耐能力较高。 N L-80351 杨在弱涝渍胁迫下适应性较强, 短期涝渍对杨树无性 |
Abstract | Based on the research of the poplar seedling s (I-69 , NL-80105 , NL-80351)under the waterlogging stress with pool planting experiments , the results indicated that waterlogging stresses seriously inhibited the growth in leaves of all three poplar clones , the growth rate of the leaf area was decrease.Stress led to a reduction in the stomatal openning intensity. Compared with the control the water potential and the MDA content of leaves w ere increased in some deg rees , but the SOD activity of leaves had no great changes .There were some differences in the contents of total N , total P and total K among three poplar clones under the various treatments .According to the research , it was considered that clone I-69 had the highest resistance under the strong waterlogging stress , how ever, under weak waterlogging stress , the resistance of clone NL-80351 was the highest .Short time (15 days)stress had no rem arkable influence on the g row th of poplar clones , but great effect w as present under the stress of long time (30 days or more)treatment . |
关键词 | 杨树; 无性系; 涝渍胁迫; 叶片; 养分含量; |
Key words | poplar; clone; waterlogging stress; leaf; nutrient content |
作者 | 唐罗忠 ,程淑婉, 徐锡增, 李跃青 |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037 |
点击量 | 1632 |
下载次数 | 1074 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(39470578) |