2024年10月23日 星期三
Pharmacological experiments of freeze-dried powder of balsam pear ( Momordica charantia L. ) on lowering the blood glucose level to mice and its acute toxicity
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[19-21]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

对药食同源植物苦瓜 (Momordica charantia L .)的鲜汁冻干粉对动物的降血糖作用及急性毒性进行了药理实验 ,苦瓜冻干粉 (生药量 2 0 g/kg和 40g/kg)对药物性高血糖小鼠具有显著的降血糖作用 ,同时对正常小鼠血糖没有影响 ;苦瓜冻干粉的小鼠口服LD50 为生药量 70 4.8g/kg (95 %可信限生药量 618.4~804g/kg) , 其产生降糖药效的剂量仅为其LD50 的 1/ 35~ 1/ 17。 


The pharmacological experiments of freeze-dried powder of balsam pear ( Momordica charantia L. ) fresh fruit juice are carried out .The results showed that the freeze-dried powder of balsam pear ( FDPBP) ( crude drugs 20 g/kg and 40 g/kg) has remarkable effect on lowering blood glucose level to mice with pharmaceutical high blood glucose, but no influence to normal mice.LD50 took orally in mice of FDPBP is curde drugs 704 . 8 g/kg ( 95%limit of believe: crude drugs 618. 4~ 804 g/kg) , the effective doses lowering the blood glucose level only are 1/35~ 1/17 to its LD50 .

关键词苦瓜; 冻干粉; 急性毒性; 降血糖;
Key wordsMomordica charantia L.; freeze-dried powder; balsam pear; acute toxicity; lowering the blood glucose
作者杭悦宇 ,周义锋, 陈重明, 金 萍,王 梦, 钱红美
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
江苏省药物研究所 南京 210009
基金项目江苏省科学技术委员会社会发展项目( BS 96022)