2024年10月23日 星期三
Investigation on the rare and endangered species Potaninia mongolica Maxim.and its conservation strategies in Gansu Province
2002年 第11卷 第1期 页码[35-39]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

1995 - 1998年先后对甘肃绵刺 (Potaninia mongolica Maxim .)的分布、物种多样性及群落特征进行调查 ,绵刺在甘肃境内主要分布于河西走廊北部 ,海拔 10 0 0~ 180 0m ,灰棕荒漠土的沙砾质戈壁。其荒漠组成成分共计 48种 ,隶属 11科 37属 ,以戈壁荒漠区系成分 (亚洲中部荒漠区系成分 )为主 (4 5 83% ) ,亚洲中部草原区系成分次之(35 42 % ) ,古地中海区系成分也占有一定比例 (18.75 % )。生物多样性较丰富 ,群落演替较稳定。人类活动中 ,开垦、修路、樵柴等已对绵刺造成严重破坏 ,至今尚无有效的保护措施 ,为此提出了几点保护对策 .


Results based on research and investigation, showed that Potaninia mongolica Maxim. vegetates on the sand and gravel desert area in north of the Hexi Corridor, where altitude is 1 000-1 800 m. In Gansu Province, Form.P.mongolica Maxim. is composed of 48 species that belong to 37 genera 11 families. Among them, the gravelly sandy desert distribution elements ( the Central Asia desert distribution elements) are in the ascendant ( 4 5 . 8 3 %) ; the Central Asia distribution grassland elements take second place (35. 42% ) ; the Ancient Mediterranean distribution elements also occupy a certain proportion ( 18. 75% ) . Among the human actions, reclaiming wasteland, building roads, digging firewood and so on have brought serious damage to P .mongolica . But up to now no effective conservation steps have been taken, so some conservation strategies are put forward.

关键词甘肃; 绵刺; 调查; 生物多样性; 保护对策
Key wordsGansu Province; Potaninia mongolica Maxim.; investigation; species diversity; conservation strategy
作者马全林, 王继和, 吴春荣, 张盹明
所在单位甘肃省治沙研究所, 甘肃 武威 733000