2025年2月19日 星期三
The constituents of essential oil from safflower (Carthamus t inctorius L. ) in different localities
1996年 第5卷 第4期 页码[53-54] 下载全文[0.2MB]
Abstract | The constituents of essential oil from safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L. ) in 4 localities were analysed by means of GC-M S-DS tech niques. The results showed that 10 constituentes of the essential oil from 4 localities are the same with different content, while the other various constituents are also present. The compound of linoleic acid which has physiological activity was identified from Jimusa′er county. |
关键词 | 红花; 挥发油 |
Key words | safflow er; Carthamus tinctorius L.; essential oil |
作者 | 郭美丽, 张汉明, 张芝玉, 苏中武 |
所在单位 | 第二军医大学药学院 ,上海 200433 |
点击量 | 1172 |
下载次数 | 869 |