2024年10月23日 星期三
Effect of NaCl on growth and distribution of inorganic ions in roots of Triticum aestivum seedlings
1993年 第2卷 第4期 页码[34-39]    下载全文[0.7MB]  



This paper reported the influence of NaCl on the growth and distribution of inorganic ions in roots of Triticum aestirum seedlings, as well as the effect of NaCl on ultrastructure of mitochondria. The results showed that the contents of Na+ and Cl- in roots of Triticum orstiznm grown in Hoagland solution containing NaCl were higher than grown in Hoagland
solution. On the countrary, the contents of K+ and Ca2+ were lower. Total content of inorganic ions and ratio of Na+/K+ were increased. Moreover, the growth of roots were inhibited and ultrastructure of mitochondria had various changes when grown in Hoagland solution containing NaCl.

关键词氯化钠; 无机离子; ; 线粒体; 超微结构;
Key wordsNaCl; inorganic ion; root; mitochondria; ultrastructure
作者吕芝香 王 正 刚
所在单位南京大 学生物系 , 南京 210005
江苏微生物研究所 无锡 210063