2025年1月22日 星期三
Observation on structural characters of vegetative organs of Puccinellia tenuiflora under salt stress
2006年 第15卷 第1期 页码[51-56]    下载全文[1MB]  

采用0.6%Na2CO3胁迫处理星星草〔Puccinellia tenuiflora(Turcz.)Scribn.etM err.〕幼苗,光镜和电镜观察其根和叶的显微和超微结构。结果表明,星星草根的表皮向外突出形成密集的根毛;外皮层由1~2层细胞组成,排列较紧密;中皮层薄壁细胞排列疏松,形成发达的通气组织;内皮层呈典型的五面加厚;中柱鞘排列紧密,其壁加厚;初生木质部与初生韧皮部相间排列,初生木质部为5~7原型,中央为后生木质部导管,无髓存在。叶的表皮有表皮毛和丰富的蜡质层;叶上表皮泡状细胞数目较少,且深陷;气孔下陷,其下有较大的气室;叶脉有大、中、小3种维管束,大、中型维管束为C3型,小型维管束为C4型。星星草可能是介于C3和C4植物之间的类型,具有耐盐碱及耐干旱特征。


The microstructure and ultra structure of root and leaf of Puccinellia tenuiflora (Turcz.) Scribn. et Merr. seedlings treated with 0. 6% Na2CO3 were observed by light microscope, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscope. The characters of anatomy structures of P. tenuiflora  root were as follows: The root hairs formed as out growths of epidermal cells were extremely numerous. The exodermis of root consisted of 1 -2 layers of closely arranged parenchymatous cells. The cells at the middle cortex of root were loose arranged to form. extensive intercellular spaces to be aerenchyma. The endodermal cells of root possessed a characteristic thickening of the radial and cross cell walls. Pericycle cells of root arranged closely with thickening  cell walls. The primary xylem and phloem in root arranged adjacently, the center was meta. xylem pipe with no pith. Leaf upper and lower surfaces were protected by an epidermis of closely packed cells, coated with abounding waxy cuticle. Leaf hairs projected from the epidermis. Bulliform. cells existed between vascular bundle on the upper epidermis of leaf.The stomata formed a cavity, the substomatal cavity. The leaf veins had three kinds of large, middle and small vascular bundles. The large and middle vascular bundles were similar to that of C3 plant, while the small ones similar to that of C4 plant. The results showed that P. tenuiflora was a middle type between C3 and C4 plants with alkali-avoiding and drought-tolerance characteristics.

关键词星星草; ; ; 结构; 盐胁迫;
Key wordsPuccinellia tenuiflora (Turcz.)Scribn. et Merr.; root; leaf; structure; salt stress
作者韦存虚,张 军,王建军,孙国荣
基金项目国家自然科学基金(30270234); 扬州大学大学生创新教育基金资助项目;