摘要 | 依据湖泊中不同生态类型水生高等植物的微生境特点, 设计建造了由漂浮、浮叶、沉水植物为优势种的斑块小群丛构成的镶嵌组合水生植物群落( M osaic Community of M acrophytes:M CM ) ,并在太湖五里湖一湖湾内以动态模拟试验, 从群落水平研究了水生高等植物群落对富营养化湖泊饮用水源区湖水的净化能力。 结果表明, 富营养化湖水经 M CM 净化后, 藻类生物量( 以 Chla 计) |
Abstract | A mosaic community of m acrophytes ( MCM ) is built with aquatic macrophytes of various ecological g roup in a bay of Taihu Lake .Its area is about 200 m2 .The purification efficiency of the MCM is evaluated by simulative dy namic test .The result shows that the eutrophic water of Taihu Lake can be purified effectively as it pass through MCM .The purified water is draw n out from MCM by a pump at the pumping capacity of 42 .67 m3/d .The removal efficiencies of MCM for algal biomass ( Chla) ,NH4+-N and Total N ( TN) are 57 .7 %, 66 .7 %and 60 .0 %, respectively. Comparing with the tap w ater of the local water plant, the mean values of NH4+-N and TN of the |
关键词 | 水生高等植物; 群落; 水质净化; 饮用水源水; 动态试验; 太湖; |
Key words | aquatic macrophyte; mosaic community of macrophytes ( MCM ); purifying water quality; source of drinking water; dynamic test; Taihu Lake |
作者 | 王国祥 ,濮培民, 张圣照, 李万春, 胡维平 ,胡春华 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008 |
点击量 | 1203 |
下载次数 | 981 |
基金项目 | 国家科委和欧盟科技部联合支持的中国-丹麦合作研究项目《中国太湖除藻与净化水质的物理生物工程》合同号:C I1*-CT93-0094 (DG 12 HS M U) |