2025年3月12日 星期三
改进的HPLC 法测定红豆杉植物和细胞培养物中紫杉醇的含量
Determination of taxol content in plant and cell cultures of Taxus spp.by improving HPLC method
2002年 第11卷 第1期 页码[53-54]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

Taxol content from the branches and leaves of Taxus chinensis var .mairei (Lemeé et Lé vl.)Cheng et L .K .Fu and
its cell cultures was analyzed by using Nova
-Pak C18 column and improving the proportion of mobile phase (methanol/ acetonitrile/water)and modifing column temperature at a wavelength of 227 nm.The improved HPLC method is celerity , nicety and delicacy .The lowest detectable quantity of taxol could reach 0.005 μg .

关键词HPLC; 紫杉醇; 南方红豆杉; 中国红豆杉; 细胞培养物
Key wordsHPLC; taxol; Taxus chinensis var .mairei (Lemeé et Lé vl.)Cheng et L.K .Fu; Taxus chinensis (Pilger)Rehd .; cell cultures
所在单位梅雁生物工程研究所, 广东 梅州 514731