摘要 | 本研究对天山一号冰川冰缘区沼泽、土面、岩面和岩隙4种生境中苔藓植物群落主要种群的物种组成、生态位宽度、生态位重叠值和种间联结性进行了分析。结果显示:天山一号冰川冰缘区并未发现苔类植物,藓类植物有15科21属40种,优势科为丛藓科(Pottiaceae),优势属为紫萼藓属(Grimmia Hedw.),优势种为长叶纽藓〔Tortella tortuosa (Schrad. ex Hedw.) Limpr.〕和斜蒴对叶藓〔Distichium inclinatum (Hedw.) Bruch et Schimp.〕。4种生境中苔藓植物群落的物种组成不同,岩隙中物种最多,土面中物种最少;群落的相似性程度不高(Sensen相似性系数为0.256~0.364)。Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度较大的长叶纽藓和斜蒴对叶藓在4种生境中均有分布,与其他物种生态位重叠较小,而Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度为0.000的苔藓植物仅分布在单一生境中,与同一生境中物种的生态位重叠较大。聚类分析显示:在欧氏距离4.0处,冰缘区40种苔藓植物可分为可5个类群,类群Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅴ总体上呈现同一生境的种类聚集在一起,类群Ⅳ主要为多生境分布种类。种间联结性半矩阵图显示:4种生境下的苔藓植物种间总体呈负联结。综合研究表明:天山一号冰缘区苔藓植物生态位重叠现象不普遍,种间依赖程度不强,种间呈独立分布。 |
Abstract | Species composition, niche breadth, niche overlap value and interspecific association of dominant populations in bryophyte communities in four habitats namely swamp, soil, rock and clint in periglacial region of Glacier No. 1 of Tianshan Mountains were analyzed in this study. The results show that there is no liverwort in periglacial region of Glacier No. 1 of Tianshan Mountains, but there are 40 species of mosses belonging to 21 genera in 15 families, and the dominant family is Pottiaceae, the dominant genus is Grimmia Hedw., and the dominant species are Tortella tortuosa (Schrad. ex Hedw.) Limpr. and Distichium inclinatum (Hedw.) Bruch et Schimp. The species composition of bryophyte communities in four habitats are different, and the species are the most in clint but the fewest in soil; the similarity degrees of communities are not high (the Soensen similarity coefficients are 0.256-0.364). T. tortuosa and D. inclinatum with higher Shannon-Wiener niche breadth distribute in all four habitats, and have narrow niche overlap with the other species, while bryophytes with the Shannon-Wiener breadth of 0.000 only distribute in single habitat, and have large niche overlap with species in the same habitat. The cluster analysis result shows that 40 species of bryophytes in periglacial region can be divided into five group at the Euclidean distance of 4.0, and group Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅴ generally show that the species in the same habitat cluster together, and group Ⅳ is mainly species in multiple habitats. The semi-matrix diagram of interspecific association shows that bryophytes in four habitats show negative association between species in general. It is suggested that the phenomena of niche overlap of bryophytes in periglacial region of Glacier No. 1 of Tianshan Mountains are not common, the interspecific dependence is not strong, and the interspecific distribution is independent. |
关键词 | 苔藓植物; 天山一号冰川; 物种组成; 生态位宽度; 生态位重叠值; 种间联结 |
Key words | bryophyte; Glacier No. 1 of Tianshan Mountains; species composition; niche breadth; niche overlap value; interspecific association |
作者 | 袁祯燕1,2, 石岩磊2, 刘兵2, 黄雪瑶2, 买买提明·苏来曼2 |
所在单位 | 1. 武夷学院生态与资源工程学院, 福建 武夷山 354300; 2. 新疆大学生命科学与技术学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐, 830046 |
点击量 | 1300 |
下载次数 | 941 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(32060050); 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT210460); 武夷学院引进人才科研启动项目(YJ202120) |