Abstract | According to plant investigation on Yuntai Mountain in Lianyungang of Jiangsu Province, two genera, nine species and four varieties belonging to nine families are reported as new records in Jiangsu Province, viz. Pilea microphylla (L.) Lieb.(Urticaceae),Thalictrum squarrosum Steph. ex Willd. and T. aquilegifolium var. sibiricum Regel et Tiling. (Ranunculaceae), Phedimus kamtschaticus (Fisch.) ′t Hart (Crassulaceae), Sorbus alnifolia var. lobulata Rehd. and Malus manshurica (Maxim.) Kom.ex Juzep.(Rosaceae), Chaero phyllum L. and C. villosum DC. (Apiaceae), Styrax japonica var. calycothrix Gilg and S. obassis Sieb.et Zucc. (Styracaceae), Paederia scandens var. tomentosa(Bl.) Hand.-Mazz.(Rubiaceae), Borreria G. Mey. and B. shandongensis F. Z .Li et X. D. Chen (Rubiaceae), Dendranthema potentilloides (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih. (Asteraceae), Allium taishanense J.M.Xu(Liliaceae). Some of them are simply analyzed on flora and distribution. |