2025年1月16日 星期四
Study on community forest resource management of the Zhuang nationality in South east Yunnan of China
2009年 第18卷 第1期 页码[67-73]    下载全文[1.1MB]  



The forest resources status of the Zhuang nationality community(11plots)in LuchachongVillage of Maguan County, Yunnan Province were analyzed by using ethnobotanical, sociological and ecological investigations. The results show that the traditional culture of worshiping and strictly protecting sacred groves (called HolyHill forest by the people of Zhuang nationality)can improve local community forest management and ecological environment protection, and has an important traditional cultural significance. The species diversity and evenness indexes of the Holy Hill forest are obviously higher than that of the other forest plots, and the mean diameter at breast height, mean height and timber volume of arbor layer in the Holy Hill forest are higher than that of the other community forests. Species diversity of karst forest is low, but the karst forest is protected strictly as collective forests, scenic forests and soil and water conservation forests in this community, which plays a very important role in benign development of local ecological environment. There are many management modes on managing and utilizing privately farmed hill forests, mainly including routine management, selective logging management, extensive management and excessive management, in which the selective logging management mode can obtain higher yield of timber and benefit sustainable utilization of community forest. It is concluded that the mode of selective logging management is worth popularizing.

关键词滇东南; 壮族; 社区森林; “龙山”林; 农户自留山森林; 森林管理; 民族植物学;
Key wordsSoutheast Yunnan; the Zhuang nationality; community forest; Holy Hill forest; privately farmed hill forest; forest management; ethnobotany
3.湖南师范大学生命科学学院植物系,湖南长沙410081; 4.中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院,北京100081
基金项目高等学校学科创新引智计划(B08044CUN985-3-3); 国家科技基础条件平台项目(2004DKA30430; 2005DKA21006);