摘要 | 通过果熟率和存活率的统计分析,研究了原产澳大利亚的引种植物在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的生长适应性。结果表明,原产澳大利亚的引种植物引入西双版纳后总体适应性较差,在557号引种植物中,存活率和果熟率分别仅为5.0%和3.6%。植物区系地区、气候区、植物类群、引种途径和引种年代等因素对引种植物的适应性都有一定的影响,其中气候区和植物区系地区是影响引种植物适应性的主要因素,间接引种植物的适应性高于直接引种植物。因此,从气候相似且在植物区系发生上有亲缘关系的地区进行引种易于成功。 |
Abstract | Based on the analyses of fruit maturation rate and survival rate, the adaptability of Australian plants introduced from Australia was investigated in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden(XTBG).The results show that the adaptability of introduced plants coming from Australia is comparatively poor in general, and the total survival rate and fruit maturation rate of 557 introduced plants are 5.0% and 3.6%, respectively. The floristic region, climatic zone, plant taxon, introduction way and introduction time all have some influences on the adapt ability of introduced plants, in which the similarity of climatic zones and the affinity relationship of floristic regions of the origin place and the cultivation area are the major factors. And the adaptability of indirectly introduced plants is better than that of directly introduced plants. Therefore, the plants introduced from regions with similar climate and related floristic region can survive more easily. |
关键词 | 引种植物; 适应性; 果熟率; 存活率; |
Key words | introduced plant; adaptability; fruit maturation rate; survival rate |
作者 | 王 宁1,2,胡建湘1,朱 华1,肖春芬1,肖来云1 |
所在单位 | 1.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,云南勐腊666303; 2.中国科学院研究生院,北京100049 |
点击量 | 1259 |
下载次数 | 975 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(3057012830770158); |