2025年3月9日 星期日
Technical analysis and prospect of ornamental plant remediation of urban leadcontaminated soil
2025年 第34卷 第1期 页码[82-93]    下载全文[2.9MB]  



The issue of soil contamination by heavy metal lead (Pb) poses threats to the ecological functioning of urban soil and human health, and it is of great significance to carry out remediation of urban lead-contaminated soil. Compared to the limitations of physical and chemical remediation methods, the utilization of ornamental plants for the remediation of urban lead-contaminated soil can achieve soil lead reduction and restore soil ecological functions while also providing good landscape effects, and thus it is more suitable for the remediation and treatment of urban lead-contaminated soil. This article discusses the mechanisms and influencing factors of phytoremediation for lead-contaminated soil, and analyzes the advantages of ornamental plants as lead-accumulating plants, as well as potential issues such as weak growth vigor and low lead extraction efficiency in the remediation of urban lead-contaminated soil. To further enhance the effectiveness of phytoremediation, the major advantages, disadvantages, and application methods  of ornamental plant combined remediation technologies for lead-contaminated soil are compared from four aspects, namely plant-nanomaterial, plant-chemical agent, plantmicroorganism, and plant-genetic engineering. This article outlines the challenges and future research directions of ornamental plant remediation technologies for urban lead-contaminated soil, and proposes suggestions for screening and improving hyperaccumulator ornamental plants using molecular breeding technologies, developing combined remediation technologies, and exploring synergistic remediation mechanisms to achieve sustainable remediation of urban lead-contaminated soil; in addition, efforts should be intensified in conducting on-site remediation and creating successful remediation cases to provide scientific evidence for the remediation of urban lead-contaminated soil.


关键词城市土壤; 重金属; 铅污染; 观赏植物; 植物修复
Key wordsurban soil; heavy metal; lead contamination; ornamental plant; phytoremediation
作者陈国熙1,2, 周惠民2, 陈慧杰2, 陈双双2, 冯景2, 刘欣童2, 邓琳1, 邓衍明2,3
所在单位1. 东南大学土木工程学院, 江苏 南京 211189; 2. 江苏省农业科学院休闲农业研究所 江苏省高效园艺作物遗传改良重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210014;
3. 北京林业大学 林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室, 北京 100083
基金项目江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目〔CX(22)2035〕; 江苏省林业发展专项资金项目(苏财资环[2024]37号)