摘要 | 矮生龙船花( Ixora coccinea L.) 的带节茎段在 MS +2, 4-D 2 .0 mg/ L 培养基上产生大量的愈伤组织;在 M S +6-BA 1.0 mg/ L+N AA 0 .2 mg/ L 培养基上芽的增殖系数达 4.13, 并产生少量的愈伤组织;在 M S +NAA 0 .2 ~ 2 .0 mg/ L 培养基上只产生芽而无愈伤组织形成。 愈伤组织在M S +6-BA 0 .5 mg/ L+NAA 0 .5 mg/ L 培养基上产生大量的不定芽, 丛生芽在 MS +6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/ L 培养基上生长较快并产生较多分枝, 将分枝节下或切成段后在 M S +6-BA 0 .5mg/ L +NAA 0 .5 mg/ L 培养基上能迅速生长并产生新的分枝。 试管内小苗在 1/ 2M S +NAA 0 .5mg/ L 培养基上的生根壮苗效果较好。 矮生龙船花试管苗成活率为 93.5 %。 |
Abstract | Tissue culture and rapid propagation of the stem segment w ith node from Ixora coccinea L. were studied. The results showed that a lot of callus could be induced in medium MS with 2 .0 mg/ L 2, 4-D ;4 .13 increased times of shoots and a little callus could be induced in medium MS with 1 .0 mg/L 6-BA and 0 .2 mg/L NAA ;only shoots but no callus could be induced in medium MS with 0 .2 ~ 2 .0 mg/L NAA .A lo t of cluster shoots could be induced in medium MS with 0 .5 mg/L 6-BA and 0 .5 mg/ L NAA from callus subculture, they grew and branched fastly and those branches or their sections could produce new branches again .The best effect w as appeared when the shoots were rooted in medium 1/2 MS with 0 .5 mg/L NAA .The survival rate of the test-tube plantlets was 93 .5 %in the transplanting . |
关键词 | 龙船花; 组织培养; 快速繁殖; 增殖系数 |
Key words | Ixora coccinea L .; tissue culture; rapid propagation; propagation coefficient |
作者 | 曾宋君 ,郭少聪 ,彭晓明 ,张京丽 ,赵逢畔 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510520 |
点击量 | 1309 |
下载次数 | 979 |
基金项目 | 广东省高新技术成果孵化项目资助( 97FF05) |