摘要 | 对广东省5个大型茶场中不同土壤背景值的8个茶园进行了土壤及茶(Camellia sinensis L.)树各部位的铜含量分析调查。地处我国南方的广东省茶园,土壤中铜含量在2.39~53.05 mg/kg之间。有效态铜含量相对较低,仅在0.45~3.17mg/kg之间。茶树中各部位铜含量大小依次为枝条>幼叶>根>成熟叶。茶树枝条和幼叶铜含量较高,平均分别达14.5和14.3 mg/kg,远高于成熟叶铜含量水平(9.7mg/kg)。而同时期相应茶场的茶叶制成品铜含量则较幼叶(一芽两叶)铜的含量高。土壤中的总钾、有效磷和总铜等都对茶树各部位铜的累积产生较大影响,但只有土壤有效磷含量对铜在茶树体内向枝条部分的转移和累积影响达显著程度,枝条铜含量与土壤有效磷之间的相关系数r=-0.74,呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。 |
Abstract | The contents of copper ( Cu) in soils and different parts of tea bushes grown in tea plantations of Guangdong Province were investigated . The total concentrations of Cu in soils collected from 8 tea plantations ranged from 2. 39 mg kg to 53 . 05 mg/kg, while extractable Cu concentrations were lower comparatively ( from 0. 45 mg/kg to 3 . 17 mg/kg) . The order of Cu contents in different parts of tea bush was branch >young leaf >root >mature leaf. The copper accumulated mainly in the branches and young leaves of tea bushes ( average 14. 5 and 14. 3mg kg respectively) , while Cu concentration in mature leaves was the lowest, only 9. 7 mg/kg. The Cu concentrations were increased a lot in tea products than those in young leaves. The Cu locations and accumulations in different parts of tea bush were affected to some extent by lots of soil factors: total potassium, extractable phosphorus and total copper, etc. However, only the location and accumulation of copper in branches of tea bushes were significantly affected by extractable phosphorus of soil, the corresponding correlative coefficient r=-0. 74 ( P<0. 05) . |
关键词 | 茶; 铜; 吸收; 累积; |
Key words | Camellia sinensis L; copper; absorption; accumulation |
作者 | 李海生1, 张志权2, 席嘉宾2 |
所在单位 | 1.广东教育学院生物系, 广东 广州 510310; 2.中山大学生命科学学院, 广东 广州 510275 |
点击量 | 1097 |
下载次数 | 865 |
基金项目 | 香港大学研究基金会资助项目(Rgc /97- 98 /52); |