2025年3月14日 星期五
Ethnobotanical study on wild medicinal and edible plants in Jinfo Mountain region of Chongqing City
2018年 第27卷 第1期 页码[100-111]    下载全文[1MB]  



Using ethnobotanical methods, species and traditional knowledge of wild medicinal and edible plants used by residents in Jinfo Mountain region of Chongqing City were investigated and researched by key information reporter interview method and questionnaire method combined with natural education. The results show that there are 117 species (containing variety and forma) of wild medicinal and edible plants belonging to 100 genera in 55 families in common use by residents in Jinfo Mountain region, in which, there are more species in Rosaceae (15 species), Asteraceae (13 species), and Liliaceae (11 species). According to edibleness, medicinal and edible plants in this region can be divided into tea and drinking type (including 54 species of substituting tea type and 18 species of medicinal liquor type), wild vegetable type (46 species), wild fruit type (including 24 species of fruit type and 2 species of nut type), flavoring type (5 species), and starch type (3 species). According to edible part of medicinal and edible plants, species taking tender shoot (32 species), root (31 species), and fruit (29 species) as edible parts are more, species taking leaf (including tender leaf) (14 species) and whole plant (10 species) as edible parts are also more, and species taking other edible parts are less. In this region, there are 45 kinds of medicinal effects of medicinal and edible plants, in which, species with heat-clearing, detoxifying, treating rheumatism, relieving pain, nourishing, hemostasis, relieving cough, invigorating the circulation of blood, diuresis, eliminating phlegm, promoting digestion, and relieving inflammation are more. The comprehensive analysis result shows that residents in Jinfo Mountain region have rich traditional knowledge of medicinal and edible plants, which is related to rich plant resources and natural climate conditions in this region, and to needs of keeping health and treating illness for local residents. The succession of traditional knowledge of medicinal and edible plants in this region is mainly through oral instruction and teaching by the elder to the yonger in family. The application of ethnobotanical knowledge has great significance for residents in Jinfo Mountain region creating hometown production entrepreneurship, improving economic conditions of local residents, reducing the problems of left-behind children, and promoting regional economic development.


关键词金佛山地区; 药食两用植物; 民族植物学; 自然教育
Key wordsJinfo Mountain region; medicinal and edible plants; ethnobotany; natural education
作者王静1, 彭书明2, 朱诗琪2, 苏万友3, 杨其亮2
所在单位1. 成都大学建筑与土木工程学院, 四川 成都 610106; 2. 成都理工大学环境学院, 四川 成都 610059;3. 重庆市南川区马嘴实验学校, 重庆 408400
基金项目国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31600253); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(3137070605); 国家科学技术部国际科技合作计划专项(2013DFA21690)