摘要 | 采用化学发光法,分析了光果甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)毛状根培养过程中对3种活性氧(ROS:O2-·、HO·和H2O2)清除能力的动态变化,并测定了培养过程中总黄酮含量的动态变化。实验结果表明,毛状根在对数生长期(20~28d)对3种ROS都有很强的清除能力,在生长停滞期(29~40d)对HO·和H2O2的清除能力仍维持较高的水平,而对O2-·的清除能力随培养时间的延长逐渐下降。总黄酮含量在对数生长期呈现增加的趋势,至31d时达到最高含量(0.78%),随培养时间的延长含量逐渐降低。 |
Abstract | Dynamic changes of scavenging reactive oxygen species(ROS: O2-·,HO·,H2O2)of hairy root of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. were studied during its culture processby chemluminescence, and total flavonoid content was also investigated. The results showed that hairy root of G. glabra had significant scavenging effects on ROS at the logarithmic multiplication phase(20- 28 d), and the effect on O2-· decreased but the effects on HO·and H2O2sustained a high level after the logarithmic multiplication phase(29-40d). The content of total flavonoids increased at the logarithmic multiplication phase. The maximum content of total flavonoids reached 0.78% on the 31th day, and then gradually decreased. |
关键词 | 光果甘草毛状根; 活性氧; 化学发光法; 总黄酮含量; |
Key words | hairy rootof Glycyrrhiza glabra L.; reactive oxygen species(ROS); chemluminescence; content of total flavonoids |
作者 | 王裔惟,丁家宜,周倩耘,谢毛成,刘峻 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学中药生物技术研究室,江苏南京210038 |
点击量 | 1218 |
下载次数 | 1018 |