摘要 | 对来源于不同产地的43份桔梗〔Platycocon grandiflorus (Jaeq.) A.DC.〕种子的地理变异、种子特性及幼苗生长状况进行了分析。根据不同种源桔梗种子的特性、发芽率及幼苗的生长状况,利用聚类分析方法可将供试的桔梗种源大致分为南方和北方2个地理种源,其中北方种源的种子颗粒较大,千粒重达1.21~1.35g;南方种源的种子发芽率高(65%~71%),种子千粒重为1.15~1.20g,幼苗生长健壮,根系较发达。此外,桔梗种子的发芽率与纬度呈明显的负相关,桔梗幼苗地上部分的生长与根茎的生长存在显著的相关性,可作为早期间苗及幼苗筛选的标准。研究结果表明,来源于安徽亳州及安徽太和的桔梗种源适合在浙江富阳地区栽培。 |
Abstract | Seed geographic variation, seed characteristics and seedling growth status of forty-three provenances of Platycocon grandiflorus(Jaeq.)A.DC. from different locations were studied. According to seed characteristics, germination rate and seedling growth status, these provenances of P. grandiflorus could bepotentially divided into two geographical provenances including south provenance and north provenance by clusteranalysis method. The north provenance seeds were much bigger and 1 000grain weight reached to 1.21- 1.35g.While the germination rate of the south ones was higher(65%-71%), and 1 000 grain weight reached to 1.15- 1.20g,the growth of seedlings was stronger and root system was flourishing. Moreover, the germination rate of P. grandiflorus seeds had a negative relationship withlatitude, the growth of above-ground parts had a close relation with rhizome growth, which could be took as standards of chopping-out and selecting P. grandi florus seedlings. It is suggested that the provenances from Bozhou and Taihein Anhui Province are suitable for cultivating in Fuyang of Zhejiang Province. |
关键词 | 桔梗; 种源; 发芽率; 幼苗生长特性 |
Key words | Platycocon grandiflorus(Jaeq.)A.DC.; provenance; germinationrate; characteristics of seedling growth |
作者 | 杨 旭1,杨志玲1,周彬清1,2,谭梓峰1 |
所在单位 | 1.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400; 2.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院,江苏南京210037 |
点击量 | 1645 |
下载次数 | 1051 |
基金项目 | 浙江省科技攻关计划项目“低糖低Zn/Cu比的营养保健品桔梗选育研究”(2005C32G3030027); |