摘要 | 以黑莓(Rubus spp.)的Hull和Chester2个品种为试材在江苏省开展了区域性栽培试验。分析认为,在江苏全省各地黑莓均可正常生长、开花和结果,即为适宜生长区。从高产优质的角度考虑,宁镇扬低山丘陵地带和以连云港为主的滨海丘陵地区是黑莓种植的最适宜地区,但要注意适时灌溉;徐淮黄泛平原地区和沂沭河丘陵平原地带是黑莓的适宜栽培区,不利因素是干旱;江淮湖洼平原、里下河地区和沿海平原地区是黑莓的次适宜栽培区,不利因素是土壤肥力较低及雨水偏多;苏南的苏锡常长江三角洲地区也是黑莓的适宜栽培区,不利因素是花果期雨水偏多,不提倡大力发展。试验结果显示,适宜的自然条件是黑莓优质和高产的重要因素,但针对不利条件采取各种不同的栽培措施也十分重要。通过栽植地点的优化选择和栽培管理措施的强化加以弥补和调整,克服不利因子,在江苏全省范围内获得黑莓优质高产是完全可能的。 |
Abstract | Cultivars Hull and Chester of blackberry ( Rubus spp . ) were grown and investigated in different parts of Jiangsu Province. The results are as follows: ( 1) Jiangsu Province is a suitable region for blackberry to grow, blossom and fruit. ( 2) For high yield and good fruit quality, it is considered that the highlands in Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Lianyungang are the first suitable for blackberry production though irrigation is very necessary in summer; the plain in Xuzhou, the plain and highland along Yi River and Shu River are also suitable for blackberry production though drought exists; Lixiahe region and the area along Yellow Sea in Jiangsu are the second suitable for blackberry production, though soil is poor and rainfall is lightly much ; Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou in the southern Jiangsu are also good for blackberry production, but it is suggested not to grow blackberry in a great scale because of too much rainfall in flowering period. ( 3) Both suitable natural condition and cultural measures against different disadvantages are important for high yield and good fruit quality of blackberry. Based on optimization of planting spots and improvement of cultural techniques to overcome disadvantageous factors, it is sure for blackberry to get high yield and good fruit quality in every part of Jiangsu Province. |
关键词 | 江苏省; 黑莓; 区域性栽培试验; 种植区划 |
Key words | Jiangsu Province; blackberry; regional cultivation test; planting division |
作者 | 李维林, 孙醉君, 吴文龙, 闾连飞, 郑海燕 |
所在单位 | 江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1481 |
下载次数 | 964 |
基金项目 | 江苏省青年科学基金资助项目( BQ98047) |