2025年3月14日 星期五
Comprehensive evaluation on ornamental values of different Cornus spp.
2022年 第31卷 第6期 页码[43-51]    下载全文[7.7MB]  

对4月至12月间尖叶四照花〔Cornus elliptica (Pojarkova) Q. Y. Xiang et Boufford〕、秀丽四照花〔C. hongkongensis subsp. elegans (W. P. Fang et Y. T. Hsieh) Q. Y. Xiang〕、东京四照花〔C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis (W. P. Fang) Q. Y. Xiang〕、日本四照花(C. kousa F. Buerger ex Hance)、四照花〔C. kousa subsp. chinensis (Osborn) Q. Y. Xiang〕、四照花品种‘中国女孩’(C. kousa subsp. chinensis ‘China Girl’)和大花四照花(C. florida Linn.)(前3个为常绿四照花,后4个为落叶四照花)的物候期进行观测,并基于叶片、花苞片和果实的12个观赏指标,采用层次分析(AHP)法对这些四照花的观赏价值进行综合评价。结果表明:不同四照花的物候期存在差异,其观赏价值不仅体现在丰富多彩的花苞片和果实颜色上,还体现在春、秋季叶色变化上。而且,落叶四照花的花期和果期早于常绿四照花。花苞片颜色、叶色变化、花苞片形状和花期持续天数对目标层的权重分别为0.312 2、0.155 2、0.092 7和0.092 7。根据综合得分,供试四照花分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级,其中,Ⅰ级包括东京四照花、大花四照花和秀丽四照花,综合得分分别为3.350、3.175和3.171;Ⅱ级包括日本四照花和尖叶四照花,综合得分分别为3.028和2.963;Ⅲ级包括四照花及四照花品种‘中国女孩’,综合得分分别为2.866和2.704。然而,秀丽四照花的大田栽培适应性较差,故将其归入Ⅱ级。综上所述,四照花的观赏价值主要体现在花苞片颜色、叶色变化、花苞片形状和花期持续天数上;东京四照花和大花四照花为优质四照花资源,可作为长江中下游地区四照花推广和应用的备选对象。


The phenophases of Cornus elliptica (Pojarkova) Q. Y. Xiang et Boufford, C. hongkongensis subsp. elegans (W. P. Fang et Y. T. Hsieh) Q. Y. Xiang, C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis (W. P. Fang) Q. Y. Xiang, C. kousa F. Buerger ex Hance, C. kousa subsp. chinensis (Osborn) Q. Y. Xiang, C. kousa subsp. chinensis ‘China Girl’, and C. florida Linn. (the former three are evergreen Cornus spp., and the latter four are deciduous Cornus spp.) were observed during April to December, and based on 12 ornamental indexes of leaves, bracts, and fruits, the ornamental values of these Cornus spp. were comprehensively evaluated by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The results show that there are some differences in phenophase of different Cornus spp., and their ornamental values are not only reflected in colorful bracts and fruit color, but also in leaf color variations in spring and autumn. Moreover, the flowering and fruiting stages of deciduous Cornus spp. are earlier than those of evergreen ones. The weights of bract color, leaf color variation, bract shape, and duration days of flowering stage to target layer are 0.312 2, 0.155 2, 0.092 7, and 0.092 7, respectively. The test Cornus spp. can be divided into grade Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ according to the comprehensive scores, in which, grade Ⅰ contains C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis, C. florida, and C. hongkongensis subsp. elegans, and their comprehensive scores are 3.350, 3.175, and 3.171, respectively; grade Ⅱ contains C. kousa and C. elliptica, and their comprehensive scores are 3.028 and 2.963, respectively; grade Ⅲ contains C. kousa subsp. chinensis and C. kousa subsp. chinensis ‘China Girl’, and their comprehensive scores are 2.866 and 2.704, respectively. However, the adaptability of C. hongkongensis subsp. elegans is poor during the field cultivation process, so it is classified into grade Ⅱ. Taken together, the ornamental values of Cornus spp. are mainly reflected in bract color, leaf color variation, bract shape, and duration days of flowering stage. C. hongkongensis subsp. tonkinensis and C. florida are superior Cornus spp. resources, which can be used as alternative objects for popularization and application of Cornus spp. in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

关键词四照花; 物候期; 观赏指标; 层次分析(AHP)法; 观赏价值; 综合评价
Key wordsCornus spp.; phenophase; ornamental index; analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method; ornamental value; comprehensive evaluation
作者崔毅婵1, 林雪茜2, 杨玲1, 洑香香1
所在单位1. 南京林业大学林学院 南方现代林业协同创新中心, 江苏 南京 210037; 2. 苏州林业站, 江苏 苏州 215128
基金项目江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目(LYKJ[2018]06); 江苏省高校重点学科建设项目(PAPD)