2024年10月22日 星期二
Analyses on species composition and community structure of “ Fengshui woods “in Luogang District in Guangzhou City
2012年 第21卷 第1期 页码[104-110]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

通过野外实地调查,对广州市萝岗区风水林的植物组成及群落结构进行了分析。结果表明:萝岗区单个风水林面积为40 ~600 hm2 ,共有维管植物112 科255 属387 种;其中,蕨类植物15 科21 属35 种,裸子植物1 科1 属2种,被子植物96 科233 属350 种;草本和乔木种类较多,分别有122 和111 种;灌木和藤本种类较少,分别有84 和70 种;其中,包含国家级珍稀保护植物5 种和一些需要关注的种类,以及林下凤尾蕨(Pteris grevilleana Wall. Ex Agardh)和虎克鳞盖蕨[Microlepia hookeriana (Wall.) Presl]2 种广州市新记录种。优势科较明显,包含茜草科(Rubiaceae)、菊科(Compositae)、大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、禾本科(Poaceae)、蝶形花科( Papilionaceae)、樟科(Lauraceae)等;虽然寡属科和寡种科所占比例较大,但包含种数较少;寡种属所占比例较大,占总属数的90. 59%。植被类型属于南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林,以南亚热带常绿树种为主,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,层间有丰富的藤本植物;作为群落的主体结构,木本植物较草本植物有优势。群落优势建群种主要为樟科、大戟科、壳斗科(Fagaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)、胡桃科(Juglandaceae)和苏木科(Caesalpiniaceae)等科的种类, 依据优势种不同可划分为13 个群系。根据调查结果,对广州市萝岗区风水林的保护和资源利用提出了建议。



The species composition and community structure of “Fengshui woods”in Luogang District in Guangzhou City were analyzed by field investigation. The results show that area of a “Fengshui woods”in  Luogang District in Guangzhou City is 40-600 hm2 and there are 387 species of vascular plants belonging to 255 genera in 112 families. In which, there are 35 species of pteridophyte belonging to 21 genera in 15 families, 2 species of gymnosperm belonging to 1 genus in 1 family and 350 species of angiosperm belonging to 233 genera in 96 families. And among these species, herbs and arbors are more with 122 and 111 species, respectively, and shrubs and vines are less with 84 and 70 species, respectively. In addition, there are five rare and endangered species, a few species of needing attention grade and 2 new record species in Guangzhou City, those are Pteris grevilleana Wall. ex Agardh and Microlepia hookeriana ( Wall.) Presl. The dominant families are more obvious, including Rubiaceae, Compositae, Euphorbiaceae, Poaceae, Papilionaceae and Lauraceae, etc. Families with oligotypic genera or oligotypic species contain less species although they account for a large proportion in total number of family in “Fengshui woods”. And genera with oligotypic species account for a large proportion of 90. 59% of total number of genus. The vegetation type is the lower subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest which is mainly evergreen tree species in south subtropics and can be divided into arbor, shrub and herb layers with rich vines between layers. As main structure of the community, woody plant occupies more domination than herb plant. The dominant constructive species in the community of “Fengshui woods”are mainly in Lauraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Juglandaceae and Caesalpiniaceae, etc, and 13 formations are divided according to different dominant species. On the basis of the investigation results, the suggestion about conservation and resource utilization of “ Fengshui woods”in Luogang District is put forward.

关键词风水林; 植物组成; 群落类型; 萝岗区; 广州市
Key words“Fengshui woods”; species composition; community type; Luogang District; Guangzhou City
作者易绮斐, 王发国, 刘东明, 陈红锋, 邢福武
所在单位中国科学院华南植物园中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广东广州510650
基金项目广州市林业局科研项目(0934021001; 0634031001); 广州市科技亚运专项行动计划项目(2010U1-E00601)