2025年2月19日 星期三
Evaluation on agronomic traits of different strains of Ficus awkeotsang and selection of fine strains
2009年 第18卷 第2期 页码[43-48]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

采用模糊数学方法,以生长势、攀爬力、抗病力、叶面积、花和花序性状、落果数、果胶含量、果胶酯酶活性、苞口胶液量及净蜂程度等性状为指标,对福建省栽培的爱玉子(Ficus awkeotsang Makino)雌性及雄性品系进行综合评价, 在此基础上,筛选出适宜在福建省推广栽培的优良品系。 结果显示,根据雌性品系的 12 个性状进行综合评价后,可将供试的24 个爱玉子雌性品系分为3 类,其中大洋 T84、新25、红9 及 W13 等4 个品系为第1 类,综合性状最好;大洋 T84 和新 25 品系具有单果较小但结实率高、花序香气浓郁、成熟期较早、果熟期较为整齐和果胶含量高等性状,红 9 和 W13 品系具有果型较大、成熟期稍晚、果实品质较好、果胶含量和果胶酯酶活性均较高等性状,这 4 个品系均可作为主栽品系;而归于第 2 类和第 3 类的部分品系虽然不适宜作为主栽品系,但具有一些优良的单项性状,可作为优良育种材料。 根据雄性品系的 11 个性状进行综合评价后,可将 16 个雄性品系分为 3 类,其中第 1 类包括早熟的大洋 74 品系、中熟的大洋 23 和大洋 225 品系以及晚熟的浙江 M1 和浙江 M2 品系,均为优良品系,评判值均在 0. 8 以上。 将早熟、中熟和晚熟的爱玉子雄性品系与优良的雌性品系共同配植可提高授粉率和坐果率,从而提高爱玉子的产量。



Female and male strains of Ficus awkeotsang Makino cultivated in Fujian Province were evaluated comprehensively by fuzzy mathematics method using growth vigor, climbing capacity, disease resistance, leaf area, characters of flower and syconium, number of fallen fruit, pectin content, pectin esterase activity, quantity of glue in ostiole and wasp stranded degree as indexes, and fine strains suitable for cultivating in Fujian Province were selected based on that. The results show that the twenty-four female strains can be divided into three groups according to the comprehensive evaluation of twelve characters. The strains of Dayang T84, Xin 25, Hong 9 and W13 belong to Group 1 with the best comprehensive characters. Dayang T84 and Xin 25 have the characters with smaller fruit, higher setting rate, richer syconium aroma, earlier maturity, uniform. fruit ripening period and higher pectin content, meanwhile, Hong 9 and W13 have the characters with bigger fruit, later maturity, excellent fruit quality, higher pectin content and higher pectin esterase activity, so the four strains can be used as main cultivated strains. Although some of the strains belonging to Group 2 and Group 3 are not suitable for main cultivated strains, but they have excellent single characters which make them good breeding materials. The sixteen male strains can be divided into three groups according to the comprehensive evaluation of eleven characters. Early-maturing Dayang 74 strain, middle-maturing Dayang 23 and Dayang 225 strains, late-maturing Zhejiang M1 and Zhejiang M2 strains belong to Group 1, and all of them are fine strains with an evaluation value more than 0. 8. It is suggested that cultivating fine female strains together with early-maturing, middle-maturing and late-maturing male strains can improve
pollination rate, setting rate, as well as fruit yield of F. awkeotsang.

关键词爱玉子; 雌性和雄性品系; 优良品系; 农艺性状; 综合评价; 筛选
Key wordsFicus awkeotsang Makino; female and male strain; fine strain; agronomic character; comprehensive evaluation; selection
作者吴文珊, 陈友铃
所在单位福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福建 福州 350108