2025年2月5日 星期三
闽楠〔Phoebe bournei(Hemsl.)Yang〕种群的天然更新
Regeneration of Phoebe bournei (Hemsl. ) Yang population
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[8-12]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

调查了福建省罗卜岩自然保护区闽楠Phoebe bournei ( Hemsl. ) Ya ng种群天然更新情况 ,结果表明: 闽楠种群天然更新良好 ,种子繁殖更新是其天然更新的主要方式 ,种群年龄结构呈字塔,它能使闽楠种群稳定增长;也可通过萌蘖繁殖进行天然更新 ,但更新能力较弱 ,种群净生殖率 Ro < 1. 0,内禀增长能力 rm < 0,种群数量将递减林冠下和林窗中更新均能使闽楠种群稳定增,由于闽楠种子以重力传播为主 ,集中于母树周围 ,且幼苗与幼树能耐一定荫蔽 ,故在现存亚热带闽楠群落中 ,林冠下是闽楠种群更新的主要场所


Regeneration of Phoebe bournei ( Hemsl. ) Yang at Luoboyan Natural Reserve in Fujian Province is studied. The result shows that good regeneration of P. bournei is present, its main regenerate type is by means of seed, the population age structure appears as “pyramid” pattern so that it enables the population to have a stable increase; sprouting is also the type of regeneration but is of weak capacity, with the net reproduction rate Ro < 1. 0, intrinsic increase rate rm < 0, which indicates the population will decrease. The population can be maintained its growth and surviving by both under canopy and in gap, whereas the former is the major spot for regeneration because of the tolerance to shade of shoots and saplings.

关键词闽楠; 更新; 林窗; 种子雨; 林冠; 萌蘖;
Key wordsPhoebe bournei ( Hemsl. ) Yang; regeneration; gap; seed rain; canopy; sprouting
作者吴大荣 ,吴永彬
所在单位华南农业大学 ,广州 510642