摘要 | 以不同产地(包括江西资溪,浙江的龙泉和庆元,福建的泰宁、南平和柘荣及四川内江)的76株红豆树(Ormosia hosiei Hemsl. et E. H. Wilson)优树的种子为供试材料,采用随机区组设计进行大田育苗,对其种子性状以及各家系幼苗的生长性状、叶片性状、根系性状和苗高生长节律进行测量和计算,并进行了方差分析、遗传力估算和相关性分析;此外,对供试红豆树优树中的优良家系进行了初选。结果表明:红豆树优树间的种子性状和家系间的幼苗性状均存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)差异。红豆树幼苗生长性状、叶片性状和根系性状的家系遗传力为0.479~0.854,显示家系遗传控制程度中等或较强。相关性分析结果显示:红豆树幼苗的苗高和地径与种厚、百粒质量均呈极显著正相关;地径与叶片性状和根系性状的表型相关系数和遗传相关系数均达到显著或极显著水平,而苗高仅与主根长和单株长度大于5 cm的一级侧根数呈显著或极显著正相关;苗高与其线性生长始期、最大线性生长速率、线性生长速率和线性生长总量总体上呈极显著正相关,而与其线型生长末期和线性生长期呈不显著相关。根据家系遗传力,选择苗高作为主要性状,同时兼顾地径,从76个优树家系中初选出19个优良家系,其中,63.2%的优良家系来自浙江龙泉,26.3%的优良家系来自福建柘荣,浙江龙泉12家系的苗高和地径均为最大,浙江龙泉11家系的苗高和浙江龙泉19家系的地径次之。此外,最大叶片的长度和宽度的家系遗传力较高,且与地径呈显著或极显著正相关,可作为红豆树优良家系初选的辅助指标。研究结果显示:苗高、地径和叶片大小可用于初步筛选红豆树优良家系,且初选的优良家系可作为红豆树育种和无性繁殖材料。
Abstract | Taking seeds of 76 superior trees of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl. et E. H. Wilson from different locations (including Zixi of Jiangxi, Longquan and Qingyuan of Zhejiang, Taining, Nanping and Zherong of Fujian, and Neijiang of Sichuan) as experimental materials, seedlings were cultivated in field by using randomized block design, and their seed traits, and growth traits, leaf traits, root traits, and height growth rhythm of seedlings of each family were measured and calculated, and variance analysis, heritability estimation, and correlation analysis were conducted; moreover, optimum families of superior trees tested of O. hosiei were screened primarily. The results show that there are significant (P<0.05) or extremely significant (P<0.01) differences in seed traits among superior trees and seedling traits among families of O. hosiei. Family heritability of growth traits, leaf traits, and root traits of seedlings of O. hosiei is 0.479-0.854, indicating medium or strong family genetic control. The result of correlation analysis shows that there are extremely significantly positive correlations of height and ground diameter of seedlings of O. hosiei with seed thickness and 100grain mass; phenotypic correlation coefficient and genetic correlation coefficient of ground diameter with leaf traits and root traits reach significant or extremely significant level, while there is a significantly or extremely significantly positive correlation of seedling height only with length of main root and number of primary lateral root length longer than 5 cm per plant; in general, there is an extremely significantly positive correlation of seedling height with its early stage of linear growth, the maximum linear growth rate, linear growth rate, and total linear growth, but no significant correlation with its final stage of linear growth and stage of linear growth. According to family heritability, taking seedling height as the major trait and also considering ground diameter, 19 optimum families are screened primarily from 76 families of superior trees, in which, 63.2% of them is from Longquan of Zhejiang, and 26.3% from Zherong of Fujian. Seedling height and ground diameter of Longquan 12 family of Zhejiang are the largest, while seedling height of Longquan 11 family of Zhejiang and ground diameter of Longquan 19 family of Zhejiang are the second. In addition, family heritabilities of length and width of the largest leaf are relatively high, which have a significantly or extremely significantly positive correlation with ground diameter, and can be used as assistant indexes for primary screening of optimum families of O. hosiei. It is suggested that seedling height, ground diameter, and leaf size can be used to primarily screen optimum families of O. hosiei, and the optimum families screened primarily can be used as materials for breeding and vegetative propagation of O. hosiei. |
关键词 | 红豆树; 种子性状; 幼苗性状; 变异; 优良家系 |
Key words | Ormosia hosiei Hemsl. et E. H. Wilson; seed trait; seedling trait; variation; optimum family |
作者 | 李峰卿1,2, 陈焕伟3, 周志春1, 楚秀丽1, 徐肇友3, 肖纪军3 |
所在单位 | 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所 浙江省林木育种技术研究重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 311400;2. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心, 江西 分宜 336600; 3. 浙江省龙泉市林业科学研究院, 浙江 龙泉 323700 |
点击量 | 2166 |
下载次数 | 1070 |
基金项目 | 浙江省省院合作林业科技项目(2017SY19); 浙江省农业(林木)新品种选育重大科技专项课题(2016C02056-3); 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所自主立项课题(RISFZ-2016-01); 江西省林业厅林业科技创新专项项目(201605) |