2024年12月2日 星期一
二球悬铃木展叶期叶片生长及 3 个生理指标的动态变化
Dynamic changes of leaf growth and three physiological indexes of Platanus × acerifolia during leaf expansion stage
2009年 第18卷 第2期 页码[94-96]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

Dynamic changes of leaf growth and three physiological indexes of Platanus × acerifolia ( Ait.) Willd. Were studied in leaf expansion stage. The results show that in leaf expansion stage (April 4 to April 26), the weight and area of individual leaf increase gradually, and reach their peaks on April 26 and rise to 9. 8 and 39. 2 times of that in the initial stage, respectively. With the growth of P. × acerifolia leaf, the chlorophyll content has an increasing trend, and the increasing range is great. Protein content and POD activity appear a declining trend, and the declining range is great. All the three physiological indexes have some minor fluctuations. Contents of Chla, Chlb and Chl ( a + b) are the highest on April 26 and rise to 3. 41, 5. 91 and 4. 00 times of that in the initial stage. Protein content and POD activity reach the lowest points on April 26 and April 16, respectively and decline by 73. 42% and 94. 41% of the initial stage of leaf expansion.

关键词二球悬铃木; 展叶期; 叶片生长; 生理指标; 动态变化
Key wordsPlatanus × acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.; leaf expansion stage; leaf growth; physiological index; dynamic change
作者王沁峰, 张晓平, 王乐林, 张 凡
所在单位安徽师范大学, 安徽 芜湖 241000
基金项目安徽省教育厅项目(2006KJ218B); 安徽师范大学博士启动基金; 重要生物资源保护与利用安徽省重点实验室基金资助项目