2024年12月17日 星期二
A preliminary study on seed nutrient ingredient contents and seed vigour for various provenances of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim.
1998年 第7卷 第2期 页码[16-21]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以采自安徽(AH)、山东(SD)及江苏(JS)6 个青檀(Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim .)种源种子为材料, 测定各种源种子营养成分含量及种子活力6 个种源种子的蛋白质可溶性糖淀粉及粗脂肪含量存在较大差异在种子品质上, 6 个种源的种子千粒重浸泡液电导率及简化种子活力指数(SVIS)也存在显著差异种子中各营养成分含量的高低与 SV IS 的大小密切相关, 复相关系
0.8223 , 以蛋白质含量对 SV IS 的影响最大, 淀粉和粗脂肪含量影响次之, 可溶性糖含量影响最小采用模糊聚类分析法, 以种子千粒重电导率及 SV IS 为评价指标, 可将 6 个种源的种子品质划分为三大类:第一类包括 SD1 AH1JS1 3 个种源, 种子品质较好;第二类仅为 AH3种源, 品质中等;第三类包括 AH2SD2 2 个种源, 品质较差


Based on the seeds of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim .collected from Anhui , Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces , the differences of seed nutrient ingredient contents and the seed vigour were compared among the six provenances .The results indicated that there were a great difference in protein , soluble sugar, starch and crude fat contents among them. Significant disparity in weight per 1 000 seeds , electric conductivity and seed vigour index also existed .Regression analy sis showed that the contents of nutrient ing redient in seeds had a good relationship with the seed vigour index (R =0 .8223)and the effect of the protein content on seed vigour was the biggest , the starch and crude fat was the second and the soluble sugar was the least. According to the weig ht per 1 000 seeds ,electric conductivity and seed vigour index , six provenances of P .tatarinowii could be divided into three g roups by using Fuzzy Cluster Method .The first group including SD1 , AH 1 and JS1 has a high seed vigour, the second group (only AH3 provenance)
possess a middle and the third group including AH
2 and SD2 own a low seed vigour.


关键词青檀; 种源; 营养成分; 种子活力; 种子品质;
Key wordsPteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim.; nutrient ingredient; seed vigour; seed quality
作者方升佐 ,朱 梅 ,唐罗忠 ,香香 ,李火根
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037