2025年3月14日 星期五
鸢尾属( Iris L .) 植物的杂交育种
The hybridization of Iris spp .
1998年 第7卷 第1期 页码[35-39]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

19941997 年在南京进行了鸢尾属( I ris L.) 的种间与种内杂交育种试验结果表明:2 种间杂交组合亲和力极弱, F 1代杂种苗生长不良, 68 周内死亡3 个种内杂交组合亲和力较强,F 1代杂种苗生长良好, 其中 2 个杂交组合 F 1代的花色由单基因控制, 未出现花色的分离;不同花色的德国鸢尾( Iris germanica L .) 品种 LP PP 之间的杂交组合 F1代花色受多基因控制, F 1代杂种
, 从中选出了紫金” 、“彩带” 、“ 金舞娃” 、“ 红浪” 、“ 水晶球” 、“ 紫云紫盘7



The interspecific and intraspecific cross-breeding of Iris spp .have been carried out from 1994 to 1997 .The results are as follows :Low cross-com patibility has been found from two combinations of interspecific hybridization, the F1 seedlings grew very weak and died within 6 to 8 weeks .High cross-compatibility has been found from three combinations of intraspecific hybridization and their F1 seedlings grew well; the flower color of the F1 seedlings of Iris tectorum × I .tectorum f .alba and I .tectorum f .alba × I .tectorum is thought being controlled by single gene whereas that of I .germanica LP × I .germanica PP being controlled by multigene and the flow er colour was separated .7 new cultiv ars have been obtained :“ Golden Purple, Colourful Ribbon, Golden Dancing Girl, Red Wave, Crystal Ball, Purple Cloudand Purple Plate” .

关键词鸢尾属; 杂交育种; 花色; 德国鸢尾; 栽培品种
Key wordsIris L .; cross-breeding; flower colour; Iris germanica L .; cultivar
作者黄苏珍 ,顾 姻, 韩玉林
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 南京 210014