2025年3月12日 星期三
Analysis of the dynamic life table of Michelia macclurei and M. foveolata in the seedling stage
2004年 第13卷 第2期 页码[40-43]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

本文运用动态生命表研究方法,观察和分析了南京地区苗圃露地栽培的醉香含笑(Michelia macclurei Dandy)和金叶含笑(M. foveolata Merr. ex Dandy)的幼苗生长动态。结果显示,2种含笑幼苗的早期生长阶段存活率下降快、死亡率和致死力高,醉香含笑和金叶含笑前3个统计时段的死亡率分别高达42 9%和51 3%。其存活曲线属DeeveyⅢ型,表明幼苗早期个体死亡率较高,此阶段是种苗繁育管理的关键时期。幼苗期动态生命表的研究结果可以为醉香含笑和金叶含笑田间育苗养护管理措施的制定提供科学依据。


By means of the dynamic life table, the developmental processes of Michelia macclurei Dandy and M. foveolata Merr. ex Dandy populations are studied, which are grown in nursery habitats around Nanjing of Jiangsu Province. The results show that there are a rapidly declining standard survival rate and a high mortality rate, a high killing power in the seedling stage. Mortality rates of M. macclurei and M. foveolata in 3 early development stages are 42.9% and 51.3% respectively. Both the survival curves of two species are belong to the pattern of the Deevey Ⅲ , and it indicates that there is a high mortality for individuals in the juvenile stage, which is a key period for the nursery management. This method of the dynamic life table is very useful to make field cultivation arrangements for the Michelia seedlings.

关键词动态生命表; 幼苗繁育; 种群; 醉香含笑; 金叶含笑;
Key wordsdynamic life table; seedling cultivation; , population; Michelia macclurei Dandy; Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy