2024年12月23日 星期一
Analysis of nutrient constituents of rabbiteye blueberry cultivars
1998年 第7卷 第3期 页码[33-37]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

Main nutrient constituents, i. e. soluble so lids, sugar, acid, water soluble vitamins, amino acids and minerals in the fruits o f 12 cultivars of rabbiteye blueberry in Na njing int roduced from the U-nited States were analysed. Most of the cultiv ars hav e highe r sugar content and lower acid content so that specia lized with high suger acid ratio. The contents of vita min B series in rabbitey e blueberry are obviously higher than those of apple, manda rine and blackberry. The amino acid contents of different cultivars are distinct from each other and that of  Delite, Woodard, Centurion and Gardenblue are among the highest. Most of the mineral elements, especially Ca , Fe, Zn a nd K are
high er in Gardenblue fruits. The hig hest co ntents o f Se were fond in Premier and Wood ard. Climax is at the peak with Zn content. Considering about the adaptability of cultivars, especially for fertility , Gardenblue and Tifblue were recommended as most prospective ones.


关键词兔眼蓝浆果; 果实; 营养成分
Key wordsrabbiteye blueberry; fruits; nut rient constituents
作者顾 姻 ,王传永 ,贺善安
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014