2025年2月19日 星期三
Distribution status and habitat characteristics of three Cycas species in Southwest Yunnan
2021年 第30卷 第1期 页码[36-43]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

对云南西南地区临沧市、普洱市和西双版纳傣族自治州3种苏铁属(Cycas Linn.)植物的分布及生境特征进行实地调查。结果表明:篦齿苏铁(C. pectinata Buch.-Ham.)在普洱市和西双版纳傣族自治州有分布,单羽苏铁〔C. simplicipinna (Smitinand) K. D. Hill〕在临沧市、普洱市和西双版纳傣族自治州有分布,长叶苏铁(C. dolichophylla K. D. Hill, H. T. Nguyen et P. K. Loc)在西双版纳傣族自治州有分布。篦齿苏铁、单羽苏铁和长叶苏铁分别有12、15和3个居群,分别有14 675、57 507和45株。篦齿苏铁和单羽苏铁居群的规模较大,多为稳定型居群;长叶苏铁个体数极少,亟需保护。3种苏铁属植物的生境特征较为相似,差异不明显。长叶苏铁分布的海拔偏低,篦齿苏铁和单羽苏铁具有部分重叠分布区,仅坡位和小生境差异明显。云南西南地区的苏铁属植物总体保存较好,但随着农田和经济林的扩张以及原始森林的不断缩小,苏铁属植物的栖息地持续减少。建议对云南西南地区长叶苏铁居群进行抢救性保护,并加强对保护区外居群的就地保护和种质资源的收集工作。


 Field investigation was conducted on distribution and habitat characteristics of three Cycas Linn. species in Lincang City, Pu’er City, and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Southwest Yunnan. The results show that C. pectinata Buch.-Ham. is distributed in Pu’er City and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, C. simplicipinna (Smitinand) K. D. Hill is distributed in Lincang City, Pu’er City, and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, and C. dolichophylla K. D. Hill, H. T. Nguyen et P. K. Loc is distributed in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. There are 12, 15, and 3 populations of C. pectinata, C. simplicipinna, and C. dolichophylla, which include 14 675, 57 507, and 45 individuals, respectively. The sizes of C. pectinata and C. simplicipinna populations are relatively large, and most of them are stable population; the number of C. dolichophylla individuals is extremely small, which needs urgent conservation. The habitat characteristics of three Cycas species are relatively similar, which show no obvious difference. C. dolichophylla is distributed at low altitude, and C. pectinata and C. simplicipinna have partially overlapping distribution areas, and only their position on slope and microhabitat are evidently different. Cycas species in Southwest Yunnan are well conserved in general, but with the expansion of field and economic forest and continuous reduction of virgin forest, the habitat of Cycas species continuously decreases. It is recommended to make rescue conservation for C. dolichophylla populations in Southwest Yunnan, and strengthen in situ conservation for populations outside the reserve and collection of germplasm resources.

关键词篦齿苏铁; 单羽苏铁; 长叶苏铁; 分布; 生境差异; 年龄结构
Key wordsCycas pectinata Buch.-Ham.; C. simplicipinna (Smitinand) K. D. Hill; C. dolichophylla K. D. Hill, H. T. Nguyen et P. K. Loc; distribution; habitat difference; age structure
作者王祎晴1,2, 肖斯悦1, 席辉辉1, 赵字陈1,2, 乔耀梅1,2, 宋洁1, 王兆春1, 龚洵1
所在单位1. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 资源植物与生物技术重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650201; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
基金项目国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31800191); 云南省基础研究计划项目(青年项目)(Y939521261)