2025年1月26日 星期日
Detecting the stability of the red pigment aqueous solution from Gynura bicolor DC.
2002年 第11卷 第3期 页码[8-11]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

从红凤菜( Gynura bicolor DC.) 地上部分提取了红色素水溶液350700nm 范围内的扫描结果显示, 该色素有 2 个吸收峰, 位于 543 nm 587 nm 附近pH 2.26 .0 的范围内色素较稳定加热使其吸收峰值增大, 波长基本不变0 .2 mmol L Fe3+引起色素溶液变色并产生大量沉淀;Al3 +也能使其产生沉淀;Cu2 +对该色素的影响较小;Zn2+对其无影响氧化剂( H2O2 ) 与还原剂( Na2SO3 ) 均能使该色素褪色光照对该色素无明显影响


The red pigment has been extracted from the above-ground part of Gynura bicolor DC. In range of
wavelengths 350
-700 nm, this pigment has two absorption peaks with the wavelength of 543 nm and 587 nm.The pigment is stable in the range of pH 2 .2 -6 .0 .Heating increases the value of absorption peak, but the wavelengths change little .Fe3+ ( 0 .2 mmol/ L) can alter its color and bring a great deal of precipitation ;Al3+ can also bring precipitation ;the influence of Cu2+  is small and Zn2+ is not notable .Both oxidant( H2O2) and reductant(Na2SO3) can discolor the pigment which has no obvious reaction to illumination .

关键词红凤菜; 色素; 稳定性
Key wordsGynura bicolor DC.; pigment; stability
作者任冰如, 李维林, 吴菊兰, 张涵庆
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210014