2024年10月22日 星期二
Effects of illumination on some physiological-biochemical indexes of Huperzia serrata
2009年 第18卷 第3期 页码[88-90]    下载全文[0.4MB]  

The contents of soluble sugar and soluble protein as well as PPO,POD and CAT activities in above-ground part of Huperzia serrata(Thunb.ex Murray) Trev. under different illumination conditions were analyzed. The results show that with the treating time(18 d) prolonging, these indexes appear different changing trends under different illumination conditions, and most of them are higher than those before treating. Soluble sugar content, soluble protein content, PPO activity and POD activity of H. serrata in 2 400 and 3 600 lx groups are obviously higher than that in 1 200 lx group, but CAT activity among the three illumination groups has no significant difference. It is concluded that the relative high illumination has a certain influence on some physiological-biochemical indexes of H. serrata, low illumination(1 200 lx) is relatively suitable for H. serrata growth. 

关键词蛇足石杉; 光照度; 生理生化指标;
Key wordsHuperzia serrata(Thunb.exMurray)Trev.; illumination; physiological-biochemical index
作者韩邦兴1,2,陈乃富1,代剑平2,姚 勇3,朱大元4,陈 钧2
所在单位1.植物细胞工程安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽六安237012; 2.江苏大学药学院,江苏镇江212013;
3.宣城市金泉生态农业有限责任公司,安徽宣城242000; 4.中国科学院上海药物研究所新药研究国家重点实验室,上海201023