摘要 | 以带节茎段为外植体进行了白萼吊钟海棠(Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort.)的组织培养和快速繁殖研究,对外植体的灭菌方法以及在试管苗增殖和生根培养过程中不同浓度的激素配比进行了筛选,同时研究了抑制试管苗褐化和玻璃化的方法。结果表明,最适宜白萼吊钟海棠外植体灭菌的方法是用0.1%HgC l2处理4~6 m in; MS培养基中不加NH4NO3可完全消除试管苗玻璃化现象;MS培养基中加入1.0 g·L-1PVP,可基本抑制试管苗褐化;试管苗增殖的最佳培养基为含0.8 mg·L-1 6-BA、0.10 mg·L-1 NAA和1.0 g·L-1PVP的MS培养基;试管苗生根的最适培养基为含0.1~0.2 mg·L-1NAA和1.0 g·L-1PVP的1/2 MS培养基。 |
Abstract | By using explants of stem fragments with nodes, the tissue culture and rapid propagation of Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort. were carried out. The results showed that the optimal time for surface-sterilization of explants with 0.1% HgCl2was 4- 6min.The best multiplication effect could beachieved when induced in medium MS containing 0.8mg·L-1 6-BA, 0.10mg·L-1 NAAand 1.0g·L- 1PVP. The best effect was appeared when shoots rooted on medium 1/2 MS with 0.1-0.2mg·L- 1NAA and 1.0g·L- 1PVP.The vitrifying of plant lets could be completely controlled when NH4NO3was removed from medium MS. The browning of plantlets could be generally controlled when 1.0g·L- 1 PVP was supplemented into medium MS. |
关键词 | 白萼吊钟海棠; 组织培养; 玻璃化; 褐化; |
Key words | Fuchsia alba-coccinea Hort.; tissue culture; vitrifying; browning |
作者 | 顾福根,陈瑞卿,万志刚,孙丙耀 |
所在单位 | 苏州大学生命科学学院,江苏苏州215123 |
点击量 | 1097 |
下载次数 | 925 |
基金项目 | 苏州市农业科技发展计划攻关项目(SNZ-0305); |