2024年10月22日 星期二
Investigation and analysison alien invasive plants in three nature reserves of Jiangsu Province
2010年 第19卷 第1期 页码[86-91]    下载全文[1MB]  

选择位于江苏省内不同生物气候带的连云港云台山森林自然保护区、南京紫金山风景名胜区和宜兴龙池山森林自然保护区为调查区域,采用线路调查、样方调查与走访调查相结合的方法对这3个自然保护区内外来入侵植物的种类及分布现状进行了调查分析。结果显示,云台山森林自然保护区、龙池山森林自然保护区和紫金山风景名胜区内的外来入侵植物分别有13、19和23种,3个保护区总计有外来入侵植物25种,其中共有种11种;在25种外来入侵植物中,菊科(Compositae)种类最多(12种),占总种数的48%;苋科(Amaranthaceae)和玄参科(Scrophulariaceae)种类各有2种;80%的入侵种类来源于美洲,入侵途径以无意传播为主。一年蓬〔Erigeron annuus(L.)Pers.〕的频度最高,达到51.6%;小飞蓬〔Conyza canadensis(L.) Cronq.〕和野茼蒿〔Crassocephalum crepidioides(Benth.) S.Moore〕的频度也较高,均在10%以上。部分外来入侵植物已在保护区内建立稳定的繁殖种群,对自然保护区生态环境造成危害,严重威胁着保护区的生物多样性。此外,根据3个保护区内外来入侵植物的分布现状和生态影响,提出了对保护区内外来入侵植物管理与防治的对策和建议。 


Taking Yuntai Mountain Forest Nature Reserve in Lianyungang, Zijin Mountain Scenic Area in Nanjing and Longchi Mountain Forest Nature Reserve in Yixing, which locate in different bioclimatic zones in Jiangsu Province, as investigation regions, the species and distribution status of alien invasive plants in three nature reserves were investigated and analyzed by means of combining methods of line investigation, quadrat investigation and interview investigation. The results show that there are 13, 19 and 23 species of alien invasive plants in Yuntai Mountain Forest Nature Reserve, Zijin Mountain Scenic Area and Longchi Mountain Forest Nature Reserve, respectively, with a total of 25 species in which common species is 11species. The invasive species belonging to Compositae are the most(12 species)and  accounting for 48% of total species number, and invasive plants belonging to Amaranthacae and  Scrophulariaceae have two species, respectively. 80% of invasive species originate from America andunintentional spread is the main invasive pathway. Frequency of Erigeron annuus (L) Pers. is the highest with a value of 51. 6%, and that of Conyza canadensis  (L ) Rong. and Crassocephalum crepidioides(Benth. ) S. Moore is also higher, both above 10%.  Some of invasive plants have established steady breeding populations in the three reserves and do harm to ecological environment and excert a serious threat to biological diversity of nature reserves. Furthermore, countermeasures and suggestions for management and control of alien invasive plants in nature reserves are proposed out according to distribution status and ecological influences in three reserves.

关键词江苏省; 外来入侵植物; 自然保护区; 对策
Key wordsJiangsu Province; alien invasive plant; nature reserve; countermeasure
作者董红云,李 亚,汪 庆,姚 淦