2025年3月14日 星期五
Distribution and cultivation patterns and research status of forcing cultivation of Sect. Paeonia DC. Species
2012年 第21卷 第4期 页码[100-107]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

通过对芍药属(Paeonia L.)芍药组(Sect. Paeonia DC.)植物在世界和中国的自然分布状况及栽培区和地理气候因子的综合分析,探讨了影响芍药生长发育的气候因子,并据此划分出芍药的适宜栽培区和可栽培区;在对芍药主栽品种和促成栽培研究现状进行分析的基础上,对中国芍药的研究目标及产业化发展提出了一些建议。 分析结果表明:芍药是典型的温带植物,适宜在温带气候条件下生长,但忌湿热;适宜栽培区位于 N 30°至 N 40°之间;露天栽培需要足够的冬季自然低温积累才能完成春化过程和打破休眠。 在中国,华北、华中、华东等大部分地区是芍药的适宜栽培区,但南岭山脉以南则不宜露天栽培。 全世界的芍药栽培品种较多,但各国的主栽品种不同。 目前芍药的促成栽培研究已有一些进展;影响芍药生长及成花的主要环境因子为温度和光照,除此之外,内源激素水平等因子也对芍药花期有一定影响。 受传统文化的影响,中国的芍药产业化发展及研究较为滞后,建议从研究栽培控制因子、改善园艺设施、引进和培育优良品种、适度发展现代栽培技术、开展鲜切花品种筛选及规模化生产以及提高人们对芍药的重视程度 6 个方面加以改进。


By comprehensive analyses on natural distribution status and cultivation region of Sect.Paeonia DC. species of Paeonia L. in the world and China and geographical-climatic factors, climatic factors influencing growth and development of herbaceous peony were discussed, thereby, suitable and capable cultivation areas for herbaceous peony were divided. And based on analysis of main cultivation cultivars and current status of forcing cultivation research, some suggestions for research aim and industrialization development of herbaceous peony in China were put forward. The analysis results show that herbaceous peony is a typical temperate plant, which is suitable for growing in temperate regions but not tolerant to damp and hot environment, and the suitable cultivation area is among N 30° to N 40°. Enough accumulation of low temperature in winter is necessary for herbaceous peony to complete vernalization process and break dormancy which cultivated in the field. In China, most regions of North China, Central China and East China are suitable cultivation areas of herbaceous peony but the south region of Nanling Mountains is un-suitable for cultivating in the field. There are many herbaceous peony cultivars in the world, but main cultivars in every country are different. At present, a certain achievement has been obtained in researches on forcing cultivation of herbaceous peony. Main environmental factors influencing its growth and flower formation are temperature and light, besides, other factors (e. g. endogenous hormone level) also can affect on its flower period. Due to influence of traditional culture, industrialization development and research of herbaceous peony in China are relatively backward. Therefore, it is suggested that these status should be improved in six aspects, such as, research of cultivation control factors, improvement of horticultural measures, introduction and breeding of excellent cultivars, moderate development of modern cultivation technology, screening and large scale production of fresh cutting flower cultivar and enhancing of recognition degree of human to herbaceous peony.

关键词芍药组; 分布; 气候因子; 适宜栽培区; 促成栽培; 产业化
Key wordsSect. Paeonia DC.; distribution; climatic factor; suitable cultivation area; forcing cultivation; industrialization
作者沈春宇1,2, 田代科1,3,曾宋君1
所在单位1. 中国科学院华南植物园, 广东 广州 510650;
2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049;
3. 上海辰山植物园 中国科学院上海辰山植物科学研究中心, 上海 201602