2025年2月19日 星期三
Effects of Pb2 + on the growth of mung bean seedlings
2003年 第12卷 第2期 页码[60-61]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

Effects of Pb2+ on the growth of mung bean ( Phaseolus radiatus L.) seedlings were conducted with an experiment. The results showed that the dry weight of roots increased by 13.01 %, the dry weight of shoots decreased by 12.80 %, the free proline and MDA content in leaves increased specially by 2 .07% and 5 .82%, the activity of POD decreased by 37.32% compared to control under 0.05 mmol /L Pb2 + treatment .Under 0.5 mmol/ L Pb2 + treatment, the dry weights of roots and shoots decreased specially by 14.45% and 29.36 %, the free proline and MDA content in leaves increased specially by 43 .55 % and 28.50%, the activity of POD decreased by 59.37% compared to control. The results indicated that Pb2+ interfered the growth of mung bean seedlings by destroying cell membrane intergrity and decreasing the activity of POD in leaves.

关键词Pb2+; 绿豆; 生物量; 过氧化物酶; 脯氨酸; 丙二醛
Key wordsPb2 +; mung bean; biomass; peroxidase proline; malonadehyae
作者李彩霞, 张芬琴, 王光忠
所在单位河西学院生物系, 甘肃 张掖 734000