2025年1月23日 星期四
Preliminary reporton community characteristics and artificial afforestation of Delavaya toxocarpa in karst area of Guangxi
2009年 第18卷 第3期 页码[20-24]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

采用样方法调查分析了广西岩溶地区茶条木(Delavaya toxocarpa Franch.)的2个自然林群落(田阳县那满镇和那坡镇)和1个人工林群落(德保县隆桑镇)的基本特征,并对龙何示范区内不同生境中茶条木人工林的植株生长状况进行了分析。结果表明,不同茶条木群落的群落外貌、群落结构和种类组成等均存在较明显的差异,与群落位置、起源、存续时间和人为干扰强度等有关;自然林群落的种类组成比较复杂且层次不够分明,而人工林群落的种类组成则比较简单但结构较完整。茶条木具有耐瘠耐旱能力强、喜光、萌蘖力较强及林下更新能力较差等生态特性。在龙何示范区内,茶条木人工林具有造林成活率高、生长迅速及开花结实早等特点,且在不同生境中茶条木的造林效果差异比较明显;以光裸地上茶条木的生长最佳,灌草丛地茶条木的生长最差,初步显示出茶条木耐瘠耐旱能力强、适生于石漠化山区且速生早实等优良特性。研究结果显示,茶条木是一种适生于岩溶山地干旱瘠薄环境的乡土先锋树种,在桂西南岩溶山区荒山绿化尤其是石漠化地区植被恢复工程中值得进一步推广利用。 


Basic characteristics of two natural forest communities (located in Naman Town and Napo Town of Tianyang County)and one plantation community (located in Longsang Town of Debao County) of Delavaya toxocarpa Franch. were investigated with quadrat method, and growth status of individuals in different habitats in Longhe Demonstration  Area was analyzed.  The results show that physiognomy, structure and species composition of different communities are obviously different and the differences relate to community location, origin, existing time and intensity of artificial disturbance. The species composition of D. toxocarpa natural forest communities is more complex and the layers are in distinct. While in the plantation community, the species composition is relatively simple but the structure is complete. D. toxocarpa possesses the ecological characteristics of strong resistance to drought and barren, strong sprouting ability and feeblere newal ability under forest. In Longhe Demonstration Area, the plantations of D. toxocarpa have high survival rate, rapid growth rate, early blooming and fruit bearing properties, and the afforestation effects are more in consistent indifferent habitats. The growth status of D. toxocarpa is the best on bare land and the worst on shrub-grass land. The data preliminarily show that D. toxocarpa appears strong resistance to drought and barren, strong sprouting ability, rapid growth and early bearing properties, and  it can be planted in rock desertification area. It is suggested that D. toxocarpa is a pioneer species which has strong tolerance to drought and poor soils in karst mountain area and it can be further popularized in greening projects in the southwest of Guangxi, especially in vegetation restoration of rock desertification area.

关键词茶条木; 广西岩溶地区; 群落特征; 生态特性; 石漠化; 人工造林
Key wordsDelavaya toxocarpa Franch.; karst area of Guangxi; community characteristics; ecological characteristics; rock desertification; artificial afforestation
作者吕仕洪,李先琨,何成新,张瑞泉,叶 铎
基金项目“十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAC01A10); 中国科学院西部行动计划项目(KZCX2-XB2-08); 广西科技攻关项目(桂科攻0632006-5); 广西科学基金资助项目(桂科基0639048);